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Illustration Guidelines Execution Buildings (Commercial) Additional visual assets There are three tiers of commercial architectural structures that vary depending on their prominence and placement in relation to the foreground. Illustration Guidelines Tier 1 (Street Level) Tier 2 (Foreground Metropolitan) Tier 3 (Background Metropolitan) Execution Objects ILLuSTrATIONS & INfOGrAPhICS ILLuSTrATIONS Objects in the PayPal Universe are more flexible with the grid than buildings, but not as flexible as people. In creating objects, Use the Saturated and Sand & Stone Palettes. They are, for the most part, built on a grid and contain 10% Grey shading. Objects aren’t tiered as they are typically created as a prominent element in a story such as infographics and editorial graphics. The illustrations were developed for web-use only; PayPal is a photo- driven brand. Illustration Guidelines FASHION BOUTIQUE Execution There are a number of infographics used in the PayPal universe. They are used for instructing users on pages like how To’s and are typically 3-step, guided process demonstrations. Infographics If you should have requests for further usage of the illustrations and/or There are a number of infographics used in the PayPal Universe. They are used for instructing users on infographics please contact the Worldwide Creative Services Team. processes on pages like How To’s and are typically 3-step, guided process demonstrations. Tier 1 structures are street-level flat Tier 2 structures are wide-views of Tier 3 structures are the most distant INfOGrAPhICS ICONS / GLyPhS perspective that use all of the color palettes. metropolitan areas in full scope. The used the and simple structure forms. They limit They are typically retail structures that are a Sand Color Palette in combination with the themselves to the Sand Color Palette nd single story, though exceptions can be made. blue of the Saturated Color Palette and cast typically only use 4 tones. These buildings ICONS / GLyPhS These building contain the most detail and shadows from the top of the window panes are the most distant and provide only partial the more drastic lighting of the three. with a 10% Grey on Multiply. supplementary atmosphere. These should be used as wayfinding graphics consistently across desktop and mobile experiences. They are not for use in tactical marketing executions such as banners, emails, or print ads. If you should have requests for further usage of the icons / glyphs please contact the Worldwide Creative Services Team. Interaction Lines These lines guide users through the steps of a process. They are created in Pal Blue. Above are the specs for the interaction lines. Tier 1 Character Cuts Step Numbering ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. Tier 1 Characters terminate in a cut into Each step has a numbered shape to make the canvas. These files can be found in it easier to follow along. These are already the perviously creating infographic pages created and need only changes to the and include a highlight and shadow to numbers if needed. 22 dimensionally create a character terminal.

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