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STABILIZE How You Serve Your company can play a pivotal role in serving your community during tough times. As part of your stabilizing motion, determine and communicate Society how your company can best give back. Consider tangible resources (like products and money), as well as employee time for volunteering. Prioritize goals and shift Mobilize your workforce Communicate transparently, resources to new needs. to volunteer. track impact, and iterate. Create a “Serve Society in Crisis” V2MOM, Focus employee giving on delivering Clearly communicate how your business defining focus areas and priorities for assistance to organizations that provide crisis- will be a platform for positive change in donations and grants. relevant near- and long-term relief. the crisis. Redeploy resources and capabilities to Update volunteering protocols to align with Create a “giving dashboard” to monitor and serve societal needs, based on organizational company crisis guidelines. analyze impact with real-time data. strengths (products, services, team expertise). Create partnerships with other trusted Support employee resource groups (ERGs) organizations in support of the crisis. with guidance for giving talent and resources Centralize donation and grant aligned to their values. management to maximize impact for Crowdsource ideas by opening a request or disaster relief and economic recovery. help line for how best to help. Establish customer support program to match customer needs to pro bono support from your company. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 17

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