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Preqin ESG Solutions 73 Appendix C ESG Risk Analytics Data Sources and Data Understanding SASB ISSUE Score Type Subscores Raw Data Reading the Score Understanding the Risk Sources High emitting industries in Transition Global Carbon …countries where due to economic countries with dependencies on Geographic subscore; Project; UN dependencies or limited regulatory GHG emitting business are likely Regulatory Comtrade; will to limit GHG emissions. to face higher long term regulatory subscore OECD; IMF; and human burdens due to GHG climate change. Emissions High emitting industries in CDP; US EPA; …industries with high emissions countries with dependencies on Industry None Climate- watch relative to other industries as a GHG emitting business are likely Climatewatch; byproduct of operations. to face higher long term regulatory and human burdens due to climate change. High air pollutant industries in …countries with high countries where existing particulate Geographic None IHME; WHO; concentrations of particulate matter already generates signi昀椀cant matter and/or decreased mortality. human health risk are likely to face higher regulatory and health costs Air Quality associated with those pollutants. …industries where air pollution High air pollutant industries in rates are higher than other countries where existing particulate Industry None NIH; US EPA; industries or where the cost of matter already generates signi昀椀cant health of those pollutants are human health risk are likely to face higher than other industries. higher regulatory and health costs associated with those pollutants. Energy intense industries in …countries where the share of countries with limited renewable Geographic None OECD; renewables in the energy mix is energy resources are likely to face low. higher energy costs over the Energy long term. Management Energy intense industries in …industries where energy demands countries with limited renewable Industry None EIA; are high as an input to production. energy resources are likely to face higher energy costs over the long term. Industries where water is a key JMP; EPI; FAO; …countries with limited sanitation necessary input operating in Geographic Water Lenzen et al and centralized water management countries with limited water (2013); and/or limited water availability. availability or poor infrastructure Water & risk community con昀氀ict, rationing, Wastewater or supply issues. Management Industries where water is a key necessary input operating in Industry None Blackhurst …industries that are water intense countries with limited water (2002); CDP; relative to other industries. availability or poor infrastructure risk community con昀氀ict, rationing, or supply issues. ↗ Back to Contents

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