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Preqin ESG Solutions 71 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals, established by the The EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan is the European UN General Assembly in 2015. The goals address key global Union’s strategy for sustainable 昀椀nance. It aims to reorient challenges, covering issues such as poverty, inequality, capital 昀氀ows towards sustainable 昀椀nance, manage 昀椀nancial climate change, environmental degradation, peace and risk stemming from ESG issues, and facilitate more justice. They are often referred to in the context of impact transparency and long-termism in 昀椀nancial activities. The investing, as a framework for de昀椀ning and assessing impact. Plan consists of several components, including: 1. The EU Taxonomy: provides a framework for de昀椀ning Institutional Limited Partners Association (ILPA) environmentally sustainable economic activities. It identi昀椀es ILPA is a global organization dedicated to advancing the three criteria an economic activity must satisfy to be interests of limited partners and their bene昀椀ciaries through considered sustainable, and a list of six environmental education, research, advocacy and events. Through their objectives. Due Diligence Questionnaire and Diversity Metric Template, 2. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR): they provide a standardized framework for integrating and imposes a set of disclosure requirements for asset monitoring ESG and DEI. managers and other 昀椀nancial market participants to provide standardized disclosures on how ESG factors are integrated Net Zero Alliances at the entity and product level. Net Zero Alliances include all those a昀케liations committed to supporting the goal of emitting net zero greenhouse gases by 2050 or sooner, aligned with the global e昀昀ort to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. These include the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, Net-Zero Banking Alliance, Net Zero Investment Framework 1.0, Race to Zero, Paris Aligned Initiative Net Zero Asset Owner Commitment, amongst others. Full list of A昀케liations • BVCA – Responsible Investment Advisory Board • ESG Research Australia • CDP Climate Change • Eumedion • CDP Forests • Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) • Global Impact Investing Network • Global Investors Governance Network (GIGN) • Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) • Green Bond Principles • Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change • HKVCA: ESG Committee • Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) • Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility • United Nations Environment Programme Finance • International Corporate Governance Network Initiative • International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) • United Nations Global Compact • Invest Europe Responsible Investment Roundtable • AFIC – La Commission ESG • Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR)/CERES • American Investment Council (ESG guidelines) • Local Authority Pension Fund Forum • Asian Corporate Governance Association • Net Zero Alliances • Australian Council of Superannuation Investors • Operating Principles for Impact Management • AVCA: Sustainability Committee • Principles for Financial Action in the 21st Century • CDP Water • Principles for Sustainable Insurance • Ceres • Regional or National Social Investment Forums (e.g. • CFA Institute Centre for Financial Market Integrity UKSIF, Eurosif, ASRIA, RIAA), specify • Climate Action 100+ • Responsible Finance Principles in Inclusive Finance • Code for Responsible Finance in the 21st Century • Shareholder Association for Research and Education • Code for Responsible Investment in SA (CRISA) (Share) • Council of Institutional Investors ↗ Back to Contents

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