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Preqin ESG Solutions 27 Highlighted ESG Risk Exposure Estimates for Service Providers use cases • Build target lists of prospective investments for fund managers you are advising, using criteria provided by your clients • Assess funds’ ESG risk exposure pro昀椀les to o昀昀er your institutional investor clients tailor-made risk management strategies ESG Risk Exposure Estimates for Fund Managers • Build target lists of prospective investments that match your desired ESG risk exposure pro昀椀le • Evaluate risk exposures underlying prospective deals to identify the most material ESG factors and enhance your engagement during pre due diligence • Expedite and decrease the cost of early assessment of private portfolio companies before you sign a non- disclosure agreement • Members of an investment team can identify areas requiring additional disclosures and develop action plans for areas where ESG risk exposures are material • Build decks for institutional investors, in which you compare your portfolio against risk exposures of your competitors, thereby enhancing investor relationships • Monitor build-up of ESG-related risk exposures across your entire portfolio and identify blind spots within your risk management procedures ESG Risk Exposure Estimates for Investors • Highlight areas where material ESG risk exposures build up, and prioritize and enrich your research before another round of annual portfolio monitoring meetings • Identify funds’ ESG risk exposures that are not su昀케ciently covered by fund managers’ ESG policies using Transparency KPIs ↗ Back to Contents

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