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Preqin ESG Solutions 54 Identi昀椀cation and classi昀椀cation of future impact For each private company and infrastructure asset listed on the Preqin Pro platform we provide a likelihood level estimate that it will generate a social and/or environmental bene昀椀t. These individual likelihood levels are then aggregated up to the fund level, based on the funds’ underlying assets, and to the fund manager level, based on their funds. The Impact Potential evaluation assigns one of four likelihood levels – “Very Likely”, “Likely”, “Possible”, or “Unlikely/Unknown” – to each private company or infrastructure asset featured on our platform. Each level describes the likelihood that a particular asset already does or will in future produce a positive externality. Our estimates are currently limited to private portfolio companies and infrastructure assets. They are not available for real estate assets. The process of evaluating these likelihood levels is outlined on the next page. ↗ Back to Contents

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