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Preqin ESG Solutions 11 Module I: ESG Pro昀椀les Preqin’s ESG Pro昀椀les module enables you to quantify, visualize, and compare the key aspects of ESG management across fund managers and institutional investors active in the alternative assets industry. The extent to which ESG is integrated into the business management practices of fund managers and institutional investors varies in scope, depth, implementation, and transparency level. We wanted to give our clients a way to meaningfully compare ESG practices disclosed by 昀椀rms operating in the opaque private markets. Preqin’s ESG Pro昀椀les module, our 昀氀agship solution, enables clients to quantify, visualize, and compare key ESG-related aspects of corporate governance across di昀昀erent actors in alternative assets industry. The purpose of this module is to provide you with actionable data points that assess ESG integration within an organization. This makes it easier to create targeted fundraising campaigns, gather intel on your competitors, and benchmark yourself against the market. It can also help you pinpoint weak or insu昀케cient spots in ESG policies, identify funds that match your desired pro昀椀le, and improve stewardship. Our ESG Pro昀椀les module consists of six components. Each component gives our clients visibility of a single ESG-related aspect of a strategy, pursued either by a fund manager, or an institutional investor. The components cover: • SG policies and practices • Regulatory disclosures • Public commitments through notable third-party memberships ↗ Back to Contents

Preqin ESG Solutions Methodology - Page 11 Preqin ESG Solutions Methodology Page 10 Page 12