Quotes from the webinar: 5 Sales Tactics Built for Success In Today’s Tough Selling Market

Selling today is dramatically different than it was in 2021. The buying environment has flipped on its head. Many organizations have lowered their revenue targets, and yet sellers are struggling to hit their numbers. The sales playbook is changing and sellers’ approaches need to change in order to be successful.

WEBINAR: "5 SALES TACTICS BUILT FOR SUCCESS IN TODAY’S TOUGH SELLING MARKET” Craig Rosenberg is a Chief Platform Officer at Scale Venture Partners, Distinguished Vice President in the Sales Practice for Gartner, Co-founder and Chief Analyst at TOPO. Craig Rosenberg

“At Scale Venture Partners, our focus as a group is to move organizations from founder selling into go-to-market machines.”

“We advise organizations, we enable organizations across the entire life cycle from marketing through sales, through CS, and move people into this build out of their market machines.”

“We have got to be really sharp on the sales fundamentals, every meeting, every buyer engagement call has to capture the buyers attention, provide them value and be effective.”

“Hope is not a strategy.”

“There’s a lot of deals that aren’t closing, and I think we all know that. Most of them are just kicking the can. They’re impossible to pin down the deal. And part of that is because we haven’t found an impact that’s eight to ten.”

“The buyers want to see the product, they want to see it early and they demand it.” “That demo will allow us to make sure we are capturing challenges in order to tell the right story. It's not an open invitation to start spitting speeds and feeds.”