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Raise Millions by Hustle Fund VC Page 14 Angel investors vs. venture capitalists What is an angel investor? An angel investor is an individual who has accredited investor status. That means they have a million dollars of investable assets or a really large salary ($200k+/yr). Angels don’t have to be techies or experts in your industry. They could be your dentist or a friend’s mom. One of the main reasons to work with angels is that they make decisions about where to spend their money based solely on their own preferences. They don’t have investors to consider, business partners to consult, or office politics to deal with. They can write you a check after one meeting if they like you and your idea. It’s their money. Angels can help with things other than money as well. Many angel investors are experienced operators who can help you solve real problems. So if you need guidance on how to build a marketing team or how to create a product roadmap, an angel who has experience in those areas could be a highly valuable partner. One thing to consider before raising money from angels is that they typically write smaller checks, between $1k to $25k. This means that if you’re raising $1M, you’ll have to close a lot of deals if you only / @hustlefundvc

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