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RELAYTO Enterprise Engagement Model

RAPID ENTERPRISE ENGAGEMENT MODEL Getting results in 1 meeting or less Used by:

Explore RAPID Engagement Model R A P I D Review Use Assess the Pick RELAYTO Implement with Deploy “Live” Cases Need Plan Best Practices Experience

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Assess the Need R A P I D Frequency How frequent is the content created and shared? About Frequency The more frequent the better. Impact How impactful is the content in/to the organization? About Impact The more impactful the better. Richness How much content do you have, including docs, presentations, of content videos, web? All of your content can add value to interactive sites and About Richness hubs to make the viewing experience more meaningful & seamless. Support Where do you need help? Are you new to visual design or interactive design? About Support needs Are your designers looking for cost-saving and insights? Tracking Where will the content be consumed? About Tracking What metrics will you use to measure success?

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Implement with Best Practices R A P I D RELAYTO User RELAYTO Design Onboarding Guides Best Practices How to Prepare Your RELAYTO Case PDF for RELAYTO Studies

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R A P I D Deploy “Live” Experience Document Document Document Experience Experience Experience We do for you We do together You do • Kick off call • Kick off call. • With our design advice & • Customer sends media • Customer sends media assets support, and feedback. assets and/or templates and/or templates. • Transition to regular • Feedback & iterations follow • RELAYTO provides design enterprise subscription advice & support. model with 3x 30 min calls. • Feedback & iterations follow. Check in & Training Check in & Training • 1 hour explainer • 1 hour live training video call webinar. • RELAYTO sends resources and tutorials

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