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Table of Contents Our Community Nine years ago, we had a mission to create a world where people work to make a life, not just a living. We believed that if we created a community that helped people live life with purpose, we could have a meaningful impact on the world. From the moment we started, we had conviction that there was an entrepreneurial spirit that was underserved. We knew there were creators all around the world who were looking for a better workplace solution at a lower price. We built communities first in New York, then San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and Seattle. In 2014, we made a bold decision to expand internationally to cities around the world while simultaneously building our brand and presence in the United States. We started in London, followed soon after by Tel Aviv, and by 2016, we had opened our doors in Shanghai, the first of our locations in Asia, as well as in Mexico City, the first of our locations in Latin America. As our global community grew, we realized that community, flexibility and cost efficiency can benefit the employee needs of organizations of all sizes. In 2016, we took another leap and made the strategic decision to expand our focus to meet the needs of a broader range of organizations, particularly enterprises. Enterprise organizations increasingly seek cost-efficient, flexible and scalable workplace solutions and a workplace environment that fosters strong community, promotes productivity and increases employee engagement. Our global platform directly addresses these needs for enterprise organizations, effectively and immediately. 137

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