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Table of Contents Our Global-Local Playbook Operating a growing portfolio of physical locations at scale is highly complex. It requires an intricate balance of global strategy and local execution. We utilize a global-local playbook for finding, building, filling and running real estate across more than 100 cities around the world which optimizes for local expertise and decision-making within the boundaries of global design, construction, execution and engineering standards. The operating model shares multiple points of coordination through technology systems built to capture the unique processes, speed and efficiency of our space-as-a-service business model. Find. Sourcing, underwriting and signing a new space is the starting point of the lifecycle of a location. We have invested heavily in the technologies and processes that optimize for the best space decisions. We have real estate teams located in each of our markets who form strong relationships with landlords and partner real estate companies. We empower on-the-ground teams to find locations in their markets, supported by a centralized repository of data, analytics and underwriting models that allow us to better predict member demand and the financial risks and attractiveness of a potential space. Our technology is designed to automate the flow of approvals, due diligence, budgets, negotiations and closings. We anticipate continuing to invest in technology to increase the flow of transactions, reduce friction and optimize the decisions we make for every new space we find. We use computational economics to gauge the potential of new locations One hundred percent of our deals flow through our deal management based on nearby amenities and features like accessibility platform, which automates approvals and underwriting 154

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