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2. Executive Summary Report Section Highlights To advance our strategies, manage climate risks and capitalize on climate opportunities, Governance we have established a governance framework to ensure involvement across all levels of our business: ● Three of our seven standing committees of the B oard have specifically identified climate-related areas of oversight that fall within that committee’s areas of responsibility. ● Sustainability goals are included at the enterprise level in our annual organizational alignment process which includes our Vision, Values, Methods, Obstacles and Measures (“V2MOM”) for each fiscal year. ● We embed sustainability throughout our business with ownership of sustainability goals by key executives, employee-led initiatives and cross-functional sustainability committees. Climate risks and opportunities are evaluated on an annual basis and incorporated into Risk our overall enterprise risk management (“ERM”) process: Management ● The Sustainability team provides regular updates to the Board and the ERM team. ● We assess the impact of climate risks on the likelihood, magnitude and velocity of our other key enterprise risks. We focus on climate action and helping our customers accelerate to Net-Zero. There are Strategy three core tenets to our strategy: ● What we do: Products like the Salesforce Sustainability Cloud can help customers manage their carbon emissions and develop their climate action strategies. ● How we do it: We integrate sustainability into all aspects of our business by being a Net-Zero company, achieving 100 percent renewable energy for our operations, working to achieve our 1.5˚C-aligned Science-Based Target and collaborating with our vendors to decarbonize our supply chain. ● Our Influence: We strive to have a positive climate influence on society through multi-stakeholder engagement with governments, suppliers, customers, stockholders, employees and peers. We actively manage our climate goals through our carbon accounting program: Metrics and ● We utilize Salesforce Sustainability Cloud to measure our progress against our goals. Targets ● We have obtained an independent accountant’s review report on selected sustainability and climate metrics for the past four years. Our climate risk assessment, ongoing activities to mitigate the physical and transition risks of climate change and our scenario analyses conducted in fiscal 2022 indicate that the physical and transition risks of climate change are not material to our business. However, we expect that the impacts of climate change will be systemic and non-diversifiable and that the transition to decarbonize the global economy will provide opportunities across all industries, including the technology industry. Our sustainability strategy and global partnerships aim to capture this opportunity, mitigate risks to our company and benefit the planet. 6 | Salesforce TCFD Report

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