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1. Introduction About Salesforce, inc. (“Salesforce” or “the company” or “we” or “us”) is a global leader in customer relationship management technology that brings companies and customers together. With our Customer 360 platform, we deliver a single source of truth, connecting customer data across systems, apps and devices to help companies sell, service, market and conduct commerce, from anywhere. Since our founding in 1999, we have pioneered innovations in cloud, mobile, social, analytics and artificial intelligence (“AI”), enabling companies of every size and industry to transform their businesses in the all-digital, work-from-anywhere era. Business as a platform for change We believe the business of business is to make the world a better place for all of our stakeholders, including our stockholders, customers, employees, partners, the planet and the communities in which we work and live. We believe that values drive value, and that effectively managing our priority Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) topics will help create long-term value for our investors. We also believe that transparently disclosing the goals and relevant metrics related to our ESG programs will allow our stakeholders to be informed about our progress. About this report We are pleased to adopt the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s (“FSB”) Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) and publish this report aligned to their recommendations. The creation of this report was a cross-functional effort that required: ● The creation of a working group to evaluate our existing alignment with the TCFD recommendations and to draft our disclosures ● Stakeholder interviews with key personnel from across the business and corporate functions ● Detailed discussions with our enterprise risk team on climate-related risks and their interconnectivity with our enterprise risks ● The engagement of a third-party to assist us with our scenario analysis This report is intended to supplement our existing stockholder engagement program and be a key part of our efforts to transparently disclose the climate-related risks and opportunities facing our business. We expect to update this disclosure as our understanding of the impacts of climate change on our planet, communities, business and the economy evolves and also as our own internal actions and governance practices evolve. This report is structured into four sections: Governance, Risk Management, Strategy and Metrics & Targets. These sections align to the TCFD’s recommended disclosures, and provide a comprehensive view into how we understand and manage the risks and opportunities associated with climate change at Salesforce. 4 | Salesforce TCFD Report

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