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5 5. SHEBA BEYOND One of the tools that Sheba is using to accelerate high-quality medical care to the Gulf and the world at large is telemedicine. Sheba’s virtual hospital platform, Sheba BEYOND, offers cutting-edge services that integrate different start-up technologies, designed for each hospital or healthcare system and their patients. 6. ARC IN THE UNITED STATES Sheba's ARC is a start-up ecosystem concept that aims to Accelerate, Redesign and Collaborate with partners around the world in order to usher in the global digital healthcare revolution. In 2021, ARC was exported to two of America's largest metropolitan regions in Chicago, Illinois and at the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. In 2023, ARC is expected to expands its reach across the USA, UK, the Gulf region and Australia. 7. SAVING SAIDIAN When traumatized Israel Defense Forces veteran Itzik Saidian self-immolated as a form of protest last spring, he arrived at Sheba in grave condition, suffering from burns on over 90% of his body. No one gave him a chance o f surviving. However, Prof. Josef Haik and his elite National Burn Center team did everything in their power to keep him alive. Prof. Haik performed countless skin grafts on Saidian, utilizing the hospital's state-of-the-art skin bank, where healthy skin cells from Saidian's body were taken and grown into larger pieces in the skin bank laboratory. These were then grafted onto his body. Despite impossible odds, Saidian is slowly making a miraculous recovery!

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