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In 1956, the year of Sony’s 10th anniversary, Sony employed 490 workers. Less than five When Ibuka and the others established Sony, their strongest resources were their insatiable years later, this figure had jumped to 3,703. At the event commemorating Sony’s 14th curiosity and their resolve. Sony had grown and prospered through a spirit of unity and co- anniversary, Ibuka noted, “I’ll have to admit that Sony has grown. Today, as I passed operation that took root in their ideal of strength in solidarity and innovation. the reception desk, the receptionist asked me if I had an entrance pass. Please try to remember me... I’m Ibuka, the president.” 4.2 p. 90 Online is where Sony can establish a unique dialogue online with consumers. They are coming to Sony’s home on the web armed with questions and interest, ready to explore the world of Sony. This is an opportunity to build a long-term relationship by answering those questions in the best possi- ble way and intriguing them through the richness and many opportunities Sony’s extensive product range presents. Inspire them to discover and learn so that they will come back, again and again.

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