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Digital Advertising 970x250 / 320x50 / 300x50 Breaking the 970x250 into a grid provides reference points for horizontally aligning our elements. This unit size should adhere to all specific rules for scaling, positioning, and alignment from previous blueprint pages. The logo, brand bar, and padding for the 320x50 and 300x50 mobile banners’ have been scaled down from the 728x90. Headline messaging might need to be shortened. The use of imagery is not advised due to legibility. The CTA button is not necessary due the fact that the whole unit is clickable. Headline Southwest Sans Bold Utilize seven-column grid Hex: #304CB2 For best practices in placement of Type: 38pt. Tracking: -38 headline, disclaimer, logo, CTA Leading: 40 and other creative elements x Headline Southwest Sans Bold Subhead Hex: #304CB2 Southwest Sans Regular Type: 13pt. Tracking: -13 Hex: #304CB2 Leading: 15 Type: 11pt. The 300x50 (below) follows the same guidelines as the 320x50 (to the left). Padding 6 pixel padding x = 16 pixels z z y = 14 pixels z = 10 pixels Brand Bar Note: Refer to PSD file on 5 pixels thick Creative Cloud Digital Style Guide Southwest Airlines Brand Style Guide | 82

Southwest Airlines Brand Book - Page 82 Southwest Airlines Brand Book Page 81 Page 83