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Logo Logo placement The placement of the logo for marketing materials (e.g., print advertising, OOH, magazine, packaging, etc.) is the top-right or bottom-right corner. Marketing Communications Digital Communications When used in web applications and e-mail, the logo must In marketing materials, the logo must be placed Webpage and Templated e-mail applications only. be placed in the top-left corner. In mobile applications the in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the page. logo can be centered. When posting to social channels, there is more flexibility in the position of the logo, but it cannot be centered. When placing the logo, consider the width of the Rapid Rewards channel space. For placements that look askew, centering Two bags for the can be used. Member price of none. First and second checked bags. Weight and size limits apply. Mobile In mobile applications, the logo can be centered. Social Placement There is more flexibility in placing the logo in social channels. However, centered placement is still reserved for the mobile application. ® Travel Our rewards policy is Advisory simple. If we have a seat, you have a seat. Scheduled service may be disrupted. e thin a reward fli‡ht should be Šust that—a reward. So we don’t blac ® out dates. „oints don’t e†pire.ƒ And our Rapid Rewards pro‡ra­ was na­ed €est Award Seat Availability in the industry. So ‡o ahead and tae your seat. Œou deserve it. Žoin now by visitin‡­‘enroll. ® Southwest Airlines is the only U.S. airline with 100% reward seat availability, as reported in the Switchfly Reward Seat Availability Survey, May , 01, at deaors o­­. €enefits apply ® to points transactions. ƒ„oints don’t e†pire as lon‡ as you have fli‡htˆ or partnerˆearnin‡ activity every  ­onths. All Rapid Rewards rules and re‡ulations apply. ©01 Southwest Airlines o. 3 The Visual Elements Southwest Airlines Brand Style Guide | 23 Delta Southwest American United JetBlue TripIt

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