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Using the Business Model Generation Tools

There have been some questions posted lately asking for guidance in using the tools associated with the Business Model Generation approach - the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas.

Though the Business Model Canvas was released under Creative Commons and the Value Proposition Canvas under copyright, the requirements for use of the two tools are really quite similar.

Anyone may use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas for their own work or to support others in understanding, analysing or changing their business models. This includes people who use the tools within their own companies or in a consulting capacity. The requirement, whether Creative Commons or Copyright, is full identification and credit of the source of the tool - Business Model Canvas is and the Value Proposition Canvas is and Business Model Foundry GmbH.

The Business Model Canvas, released under Creative Commons license, is open for building other approaches and variations on the concept. There have been a number of variations discussed and demonstrated here in the Hub and externally. Where variations have been made, recognition of the original source material material must be included on the variation. The text and link should be clearly visible and legible under every canvas.

The Value Proposition Canvas has been released with a slightly more restricted use guideline of Copyright, under which Business Model Foundry has reserved the intellectual property for adaptations and for the inclusion of the canvas in software applications or sold as a tool for others to use (e.g. selling copies of the poster). This can only be done under the express permission and agreement of the Business Model Foundry GmbH.

So, the tools are there for you to use without restriction in modelling your own or other people's businesses. If you wish to include the Business Model Canvas in software solutions, it would be good business practice to first contact the Business Model Generation authors to discuss your intended use. If you wish to use the Value Proposition Canvas in software, in original or adapted form, or sell the canvas as a tool, you must contact the copyright holders, Business Model Foundry, for permission.

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