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Your Portal for Petroleum Statistics and Information

API is the premier source for petroleum industry data and information. API's data and statistics are accurate, comprehensive, timely, and quoted widely. For pricing and ordering information, please contact our primary distributor, Information Handling Services, at 1-800-854-7179 or visit the API-IHS Storefront for more information. Key statistical reports include the following:

reports total U.S. and regional data relating to refinery operations and the production of the five major petroleum products: oxygenated, reformulated, and other finished motor gasoline, naphtha, and kerosene jet fuel, distillate (by sulphur content) and residual fuel oil. These products represent more than 80% of total refinery production. Inventories of these products as well as crude oil and unfinished oils are also included, along with refinery input data.

Published weekly every Tuesday afternoon (published Wednesday afternoon in the event of a Monday holiday). Click here for the complete 2014 schedule.

If you are interested in purchasing the WSB early release (4:30 pm EST each Tuesday), please contact Lakshmy Mahon at [email protected].

the most reliable source for historical data on energy, reserves, exploration and drilling, production, finance, prices, demand, refining, imports, exports, offshore transportation, natural gas and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

Published twice per year in February and August.

The imports report contains monthly data on the imports of crude oil and petroleum products by PADD. Details include importer, port of entry, country of origin, recipient, destination, quantity, API gravity and sulphur content (for crude oil and residual fuel oil).

The exports report contains monthly data on volumes of crude oil and petroleum product exports. Also included are data by place of exit and by destination.

Published in the second week of each month.

presents data on the inventory levels of ethane, propane, isobutane, normal butane and pentanes plus. These inventories, located at natural gas plants, refineries, bulk terminals and in underground storage, are grouped into eight regional areas.

Published in the final days of each month.

contains timely interpretation and analysis of recent developments for major products, production, imports, refinery operations, and inventories - accompanied by API's estimates of these data for the most recent month and graphs of major series, including product deliveries, crude oil production, imports, refinery activity, and inventories for the past 24 months.

The December issue, published in early January, presents year-end supply/demand estimates and summarizes developments of the year. Quarterly estimates are included four times per year. (See 2014 MSR schedule)

The QWCR provides detailed information on reported drilling activity and estimates the total number of wells and footage drilled. The estimates of quarterly completions and footage are displayed by well type, well class, and quarter for the ten years prior. More detailed estimates of quarterly completions and footage are disaggregated by well type, depth interval, and quarter for the current year and two years prior. In addition, wells reported to API (not estimates) are listed on a state and regional level, disaggregated by well class, well type, and quarter, for the current year and two years prior.

Published in the first week following the end of the quarter.
Contact: Franziska Economy at [email protected].

The JAS is an annual survey that contains the only long-term source of information of detailed U.S. drilling expenditures on wells, footage, and related expenditures in the United States. An Analysis & Trends section provides detailed information and graphs about offshore and onshore wells, shale wells, coalbed methane wells, and sidetrack wells. The data presented in the U.S. Summary Tables section are broken down by well type (oil wells, gas wells, and dry holes) and by depth interval. Additionally, the data in these tables are disaggregated by well class (exploratory wells and development wells) and offshore and onshore production. A few regional and state tables are also available in this report.

Prior year's survey is published in December of the current year.
Contact: Franziska Economy at [email protected].

is an annual sales of propane, butane, ethane, and pentanes plus; it is the only source of data of annual propane sales on a state level. Propane data are categorized by state and type of use, i.e., residential, commercial, sales to retail dispensers, internal-combustion engine fuel, industrial, agricultural, and chemical. It is published in cooperation with the Gas Processors Association, National Propane Gas Association, and the Propane Education & Research Council.

Prior year's survey is published in December of the current year.

Industry-Wide Surveys

Industry-wide surveys are described briefly below. If you know you are interested in a specific survey listed below, click on the title and you can obtain a copy of any free report or contact and ordering information for other reports.

Environmental Expenditures Survey (1990-2012)
Contact: Adebukola Adefemi at [email protected].

Workplace Injuries and Illnesses Safety (WIIS) Report 2003-2012
Contact: Adebukola Adefemi at [email protected].

Process Safety Performance Measurement Report
Contact: Adebukola Adefemi at [email protected].

Oil Spills in U.S. Navigable Waters (1997-2006)
Contact: Adebukola Adefemi at [email protected]

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Contact: Adebukola Adefemi at [email protected]

Pipeline Performance Tracking System (PPTS)
This is an effort by the Pipeline segment to collect very detailed information about every pipeline incident since 1999. The Statistical Services group created a client-based software that is dynamically linked to API through the Internet to collect the data. The Statistical Services group maintains the software and handles technical support for the effort. Contact Hazem Arafa at [email protected].

Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities (OII)
The OII is an annual survey that collects data on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities, both within the United States and internationally, as well as for both employees and contract workers. The Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities: Report to Participants is available only to participating companies and is available through the OII database website. The Aggregate Data Only version of the report, however, is available to the public. The last five annual reports are available below.

Prior year's survey is published in March of the current year.
Contact: Franziska Economy at [email protected].

The Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities (OII) is conducted annually. Participation is voluntary and the number of participating companies varies from year to year. Below find the last 5 years of reports.

2005 Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary Report: Aggregate Data Only

2006 Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary Report: Aggregate Data Only

2007 Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary Report: Aggregate Data Only

2008 Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary Report: Aggregate Data Only

2009 Survey on Petroleum Industry Occupational Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities Summary Report: Aggregate Data Only

Electronic Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions calculator tool for the petroleum and natural gas industry

API Newsroom Update (October 17, 2014):

Petroleum Demand Falls in September and Third Quarter (includes Monthly Statistical Report)
Petroleum Facts at a Glance
Monthly Statistical Report

Monthly Import Statistics for July 2014 (latest available)

Disclaimer: All data is based on information that has been voluntarily reported to API by petroleum companies operating in the U.S. API does not guarantee the accuracy of the data and disclaims any liability in connection with its use.

Rights of Information: All information offered in the statistical reports and surveys offered in this subscription service are the sole and exclusive property of API, its subcontractors, and other information providers who may, from time to time, supply information to API. You agree that, unless specific permission is granted in writing, you will not publish, broadcast, retransmit, store, reproduce, modify, upload, post, distribute in any way or resell such information or in any way violate the copyright of any provider of information to API. You may use this information solely within your company. This information may not be distributed or otherwise transferred outside your company without the express consent of the API. Reproduction for internal use only is permitted, provided that copies are made without modification and with all copyrighted notices preserved.

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