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Most companies store content in a cloud-based digital asset Figure 14: How is your digital content stored and accessed? management platform, with Creative content is mostly stored in a cloud-based digital asset varying levels of access management platform with a standardized categorization 24% scheme, automated tagging and One of the biggest obstacles to efficiently creating, housing and accessing digital accessibility to multiple teams content has been on-premise storage platforms. The days of everyone saving files on their individual computers or file servers led to storage shortages and a proliferation Creative content is mostly of disparate tagging and naming schemes. Twenty-two percent of companies still stored in a cloud-based digital operate this way. asset management platform with 24% Thankfully, the vast majority of companies (78%) today have shifted to using a cloud- a standardized categorization based storage or “digital asset management” (DAM) platform, which helps eliminate scheme, but mostly accessible the storage problem, and allows multiple users to access a single repository of to a single team content. The more advanced platforms have features that allow for content review, as Creative content is mostly well as automated tagging and categorizing of both visual and text-based content. stored in a cloud-based digital 30% The most mature companies (28%) are leveraging the advanced features of their DAM asset management platform platforms and automating tagging, along with providing access to multiple teams. This with no standardized is a key element of an agile system — by providing access to multiple stakeholders, it categorization scheme allows content created by one department to be deployed by many others seamlessly. Creative content is stored Content teams that focused on generating revenue (34%) or offering product support in a centralized on-premise 16% (42%) were much more likely than brand- or thought-leadership-focused teams to store with no standardized use a cloud-based DAM that was accessible to multiple teams. This underscores categorization scheme how important it is for collaboration between multiple functions for using content to achieve more commercial goals. Creative content is stored on local file servers or computers 6% Again, companies in the banking (29%) and technology (35%) industries showed high with no standardized maturity, where the majority of respondents stored content in a DAM, provided access categorization scheme to multiple teams and used AI-powered tagging. SOURCE: Altimeter “The 2021 State of Digital Content” n= 375 21

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