Superior Essex Brand Book
Superior Essex manufactures high-performance wire and cable products for telecommunications and energy-efficient technologies. Its innovations power reliable and sustainable connectivity.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 03 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 As a global leader in the design, manufacture and supply of wire and cable products, Superior Essex has built a reputation as the company that delivers innovation to help our customers achieve their goals. Our well-respected brand is our most valuable asset. It embodies all that we stand for, conveys the beliefs and principles upon which we operate and serves as our introduction. As we continue to communicate with a variety of audiences, from customers to shareholders, suppliers to partners, consistent use of these brand guidelines reinforces our corporate image. Our corporate brand goes beyond corporate structure. Beyond products. Even beyond services. It’s about how we come together. About how we’re viewed by the world. And to consistently protect it, we’ve created these guidelines. Welcome to Superior Essex. Daniel Choi Chief Executive Officer INTRODUCTION
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 05 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 SUPERIOR ESSEX ICON The Superior Essex icon is the single visual element that appears in every version and iteration of the company’s branding. The logos of Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell all feature this central icon. The Superior Essex icon features three curves representing the flanges of a wire/ cable reel. The color of the curves is determined by the background on which the logo is placed. The curves should always be represented as the background color. The icon should never be used alone as the sole graphic representation of the brand. The icon can be used as a sole graphic element if used as a background. Do not recreate the Superior Essex icon. Download the icon at or contact [email protected] . See OFFICIAL COLORS on page 12.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 06 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LOGO S SUPERIOR ESSEX The Superior Essex logo contains two components: the Superior Essex icon and logotype. The Superior Essex icon and logotype are registered trademarks and should include the registration ® symbol on the bottom right corner of each. Do not recreate the Superior Essex logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . Logotype Logo Icon
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 07 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LOGO USAGE SUPERIOR ESSEX Please observe the clear space around the logo to maximize visual effectiveness. Nothing should intrude into this specified clear space. COLOR OPTIONS 1. 2-color 2. 2-color reverse 3. 1-color reverse 4. 1-color black 5. 1-color red 6. 1-color gray See OFFICIAL COLORS on page 12. Do not recreate the Superior Essex logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . The contrast between the elements of the Superior Essex logo and background should be maintained in all applications to protect the integrity of the brand. 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) Minimum Size 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. X X X X X X X X 2X
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 08 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LOGO ESSEX The Essex logo includes three components: the Superior Essex icon, Essex logotype and secondary logotype. The Essex icon and logotype are registered trademarks and should include the registration ® symbol on the bottom right corner of each. Do not recreate the Essex logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . Logotype Tagline Icon Logo
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 09 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 Minimum Size LOGO USAGE ESSEX Please observe the clear space around the logo to maximize visual effectiveness. Nothing should intrude into this specified clear space. COLOR OPTIONS 1. 2-color 2. 2-color reverse 3. 1-color reverse 4. 1-color black 5. 1-color red 6. 1-color gray See OFFICIAL COLORS on page 12. Do not recreate the Essex logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . The contrast between the elements of the Superior Essex logo and background should be maintained in all applications to protect the integrity of the brand. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) X X X X X X X X 2X
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 10 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LOGO ESSEX BROWNELL The Essex Brownell logo includes three components: the Superior Essex icon, Essex Brownell logotype and secondary logotype. The Superior Essex icon is a registered trademark and should include the registration ® symbol on the bottom right corner. Do not recreate the Essex Brownell logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . Logotype Tagline Icon Logo
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 11 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LOGO USAGE ESSEX BROWNELL Please observe the clear space around the logo to maximize visual effectiveness. Nothing should intrude into this specified clear space. COLOR OPTIONS 1. 2-color 2. 2-color reverse 3. 1-color reverse 4. 1-color black 5. 1-color red 6. 1-color gray See OFFICIAL COLORS on page 12. Do not recreate the Essex Brownell logo. Download the logo at or contact [email protected] . The contrast between the elements of the Superior Essex logo and background should be maintained in all applications to protect the integrity of the brand. Minimum Size 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. X X X X X X X X 2X
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 12 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 OFFICIAL COLORS Consistently applying this color palette to our logos maintains the integrity of our brand. Use this guide with vendors to ensure our corporate colors are reproduced precisely and correctly. PANTONE 485 C CMYK 0 95 100 0 RGB 238 49 36 #EE3124 Superior Essex RED PANTONE PROCESS BLACK C CMYK 0 0 0 100 RGB 0 0 0 #000000 Superior Essex BLACK PANTONE COOL GRAY 9 C CMYK 0 0 0 54 RGB 145 145 149 #919195 Superior Essex GRAY
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 13 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TYPOGRAPHY CALIBRI Primary typeface for: • Emails and Signatures • Business Forms • Documents • Presentations • Stationery It is important to consistently use the proper typeface to protect the integrity of our brand. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) CALIBRI LIGHT AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) CALIBRI REGULAR AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) CALIBRI ITALIC AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) CALIBRI BOLD AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) CALIBRI BOLD ITALIC
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 14 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TYPOGRAPHY GOTHAM Primary typeface for: • Advertisements • Brochures/Flyers • Tradeshow Graphics When working with vendors to produce marketing materials, it is important to specify the correct typeface. It is important to consistently use the proper typeface to protect the integrity of our brand. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM LIGHT AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM BOOK AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM MEDIUM AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM BOLD AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM NARROW LIGHT AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM NARROW BOOK AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) GOTHAM NARROW MEDIUM
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 15 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TYPOGRAPHY WHITNEY Primary typeface for: • Catalogs • Spec Sheets • Line Cards When working with vendors to produce printed materials, it is important to specify the correct typeface. It is important to consistently use the proper typeface to protect the integrity of our brand. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) WHITNEY LIGHT AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) WHITNEY BOOK AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) WHITNEY MEDIUM AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 1234567890$%&(,.;:#!?) WHITNEY BOLD
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 16 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 USING THE NAMES OF SUPERIOR ESSEX 1. The name Superior Essex should not be used in the possessive('s) form except in instances where it otherwise would be grammatically awkward or when used in speech. 2. The name Superior Essex should not be used as a contraction. The same guidelines apply to all of our organization names. 3. The name Superior Essex should not be used as a verb or to create a play on words. The same guidelines apply to all of our organization names. To use the Superior Essex name properly, position initial caps on both Superior and Essex. Never capitalize Superior Essex in any application. The first instance of Superior Essex used in a document should include a registered trademark (®) after the word Essex. Do not use the Superior Essex, Essex or Essex Brownell icon's or logo's in a line of text. Do not refer to Superior Essex business unit names using acronyms which deteriorate our brand (i.e. "SPSX", "SXB", "SX", "SE"). These general guidelines apply when using the Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell names and those of their business units. CORRECT Business solutions from Superior Essex solve problems for changing markets. INCORRECT Superior Essex’s business solutions solve problems for changing markets. CORRECT Get to the finish line with Superior Essex. INCORRECT Superior Essex to the finish line. CORRECT Superior Essex is an industry leader. INCORRECT Superior Essex’s an industry leader. 1 3 2
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 17 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TAGLINE All Superior Essex business units can use the corporate tagline. The E, Y, L and W are always capitalized. Everywhere You Live and Work® is a registered trademark and should end with a registration ® symbol. The appropriate symbol should appear in superscript in the upper right-hand corner of a mark. If it is not practical or aesthetically pleasing to place it there, it should be dropped to the lower right- hand corner of the mark. A symbol should not be placed above, below, or to the left of a mark. Place a superscripted registration symbol ® after the phrase, “Everywhere You Live and Work,” when it is first used in copy. The registration mark can be omitted when used on the cover or in a headline, provided there is at least one conspicuous use of the mark on the face of the writing. Creation of a new tagline for a business unit requires consultation through Superior Essex Corporate Marketing and Legal teams. Contact [email protected] with your request. NORMAL Everywhere You Live and Work® CAPITALIZED EVERYWHERE YOU LIVE AND WORK®
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 19 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 0.00 3.25 1.13 0.88 0.00 1.60 1.80 0.00 0.17 0.42 0.57 1.82 1.65 First Name Last Name Title BUSINESS CARDS SUPERIOR ESSEX Size - 3.5” x 2.0” Color - Black and Pantone 485 C Tex t - Black (80%) and Pantone 485 C Stock - 100 lb. Cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Employee Name - 8pt Gotham Bold Employee Title - 7pt Gotham Narrow Book Business Unit - 7pt Gotham Book Business Name - 7pt Gotham Bold Contact Info - 7pt Gotham Book Website - 7pt Gotham Bold, Red Tagline - 6pt Gotham Book Always use the recommended text size found in the business card template. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to business cards. FRONT BACK All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale. 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile Everywhere You Live and Work® Everywhere You Live and Work® Communications Energy [email protected] [email protected] Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile Everywhere You Live and Work® [email protected] Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code First Name Last Name Title First Name Last Name Title
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 20 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 Size - 3.5” x 2.0” 88.9mm x 50.8mm Color - Black, Pantone 485 C and Pantone Cool Gray 9 C Tex t - Black (80%) and Pantone 485 C Stock - 100 lb. Cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Employee Name - 8pt Gotham Bold Employee Title - 7pt Gotham Narrow Book Business Unit - 7pt Gotham Book Business Name - 7pt Gotham Bold Contact Info - 7pt Gotham Book Website - 7pt Gotham Bold, Red Tagline - 6pt Gotham Book Always use the recommended text size found in the business card template. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to business cards. BUSINESS CARDS ESSEX FRONT BACK 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile Everywhere You Live and Work® Everywhere You Live and Work® Everywhere You Live and Work® Magnet Wire Magnet Wire Magnet Wire [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale. First Name Last Name Title First Name Last Name Title First Name Last Name Title 0.00 3.25 1.13 0.88 0.00 1.60 1.80 0.00 0.17 0.42 0.57 1.82 1.65
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 21 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 BUSINESS CARDS ESSEX BROWNELL Size - 3.5” x 2.0” Color - Black, Pantone 485 C and Pantone Cool Gray 9 C Tex t - Black (80%) and Pantone 485 C Stock - 100 lb. Cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Employee Name - 8pt Gotham Bold Employee Title - 7pt Gotham Narrow Book Business Unit - 7pt Gotham Book Business Name - 7pt Gotham Bold Contact Info - 7pt Gotham Book Website - 7pt Gotham Bold, Red Tagline - 6pt Gotham Book Always use the recommended text size found in the business card template. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to business cards. 0.00 FRONT BACK 3.25 1.13 0.88 All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale. 000.000.0000 office 000.000.0000 fax 000.000.0000 mobile Customer Focused... Performance Driven Distribution [email protected] Business Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City, State Zip Code 0.00 1.60 1.80 0.00 0.17 0.42 0.57 1.82 1.65 First Name Last Name Title
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 22 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LETTERHEADS NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS UNITS Size - 8.5” x 11.0” Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 60 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for letterhead body text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of the Superior Essex logo. The date and address are typed in the top third of the folded letterhead, leave one line space between the date and the address. Leave at least two line spaces between the address and the salutation and leave one line space between the salutation and the first line of the letter. At the end of the letter, leave one line space above the complimentary close and three line spaces between the complimentary close and the sender’s name. Leave two line spaces below the sender’s name or title and single-space any additional information. These general guidelines apply to all Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell letterhead files and those of their business units. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Download specific business unit letterhead templates on MyNet or contact [email protected] . 770.657.6000 770.657.6498 main fax CONTINUATION PAGE LETTERHEAD EXAMPLE All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale. Superior Essex Inc. 6120 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 150 Atlanta, GA 30339-2923 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.75 4.53 6.60 7.75 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 4.53 4.53 6.60 6.60 7.75 7.75 0.50 1.00 1.75 10.35 10.35 10.75 10.75 1.00
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 23 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 LETTERHEADS ASIA PACIFIC AND EUROPE BUSINESS UNITS Size - 210mm x 297mm (A4) Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 60 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for letterhead body text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of the Superior Essex logo. The date and address are typed in the top third of the folded letterhead, leave one line space between the date and the address. Leave at least two line spaces between the address and the salutation and leave one line space between the salutation and the first line of the letter. At the end of the letter, leave one line space above the complimentary close and three line spaces between the complimentary close and the sender’s name. Leave two line spaces below the sender’s name or title and single-space any additional information. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Download specific business unit letterhead templates on MyNet or contact [email protected] . 0.0 0.0 19.0 19.0 97.0 97.0 155.0 155.0 191.0 191.0 0.0 0.0 12.72 11.78 25.40 25.40 44.45 280.44 280.44 290.65 290.65 0.0 0.0 19.0 97.0 155.0 191.0 11.78 12.72 25.40 LETTERHEAD EXAMPLE All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale. CONTINUATION PAGE Essex Magnet Wire (Suzhou) Ltd. No.68, Lushan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone Jiangsu, 21529, China 00(0)000.0000.0000 00(0)000.0000.0000 main fax
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 24 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 Size - 9.5” x 4.125” (#10) Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. These general guidelines apply to all Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell business envelopes and those of their business units. Do not recreate Superior Essex stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. BACK Everywhere You Live and Work® 0.00 0.65 2.85 FRONT 0.00 4.75 0.25 0.00 0.45 0.80 1.71 1.92 2.625 1.08 0.00 1.33 1.50 All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale. BUSINESS ENVELOPES NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS UNITS
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 25 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 BUSINESS ENVELOPES ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS UNITS Size - 220mm x 110mm (#5) Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. Everywhere You Live and Work® Address Organization Addressee’s Name 0.0 20.0 105.0 162.0 172.0 212.0 8.0 0.0 15.0 28.0 81.0 86.0 95.0 27.0 0.0 34.0 38.0 0.00 110.0 21.0 BACK FRONT All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale. Essex Magnet Wire (Suzhou) Ltd. No.68, Lushan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone Jiangsu, 21529, China
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 26 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 BUSINESS ENVELOPES EUROPE BUSINESS UNITS Size - 220mm x 110mm (#DL) Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. Addressee’s Name Organization Street Address City, State Zip Code Essex sas 145, Rue de la République, BP83 69882 Meyzieu, France Everywhere You Live and Work® 0.0 15.0 72.0 135.0 10.0 0.0 1 7.0 26.0 90.0 27.0 0.0 34.0 38.0 0.00 110.0 BACK FRONT All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 27 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 DOCUMENT ENVELOPES NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS UNITS Size - 12.5” x 9.5” Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. These general guidelines apply to all Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell document envelopes and those of their business units. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. Addressee’s Name Organization Street Address City, State Zip Code Superior Essex Inc. 6120 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 150 Atlanta, GA 30339, USA Everywhere You Live and Work® 1.50 0.00 3.56 1.00 1.08 0.76 0.00 1.00 1.40 4.30 4.75 All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 28 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 Size - 320mm x 230mm Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. Address Organization Addressee’s Name Everywhere You Live and Work® 38.0 0.0 178.0 242.0 248.0 308.0 30.0 25.0 12.0 0.0 22.0 32.0 42.0 50.0 194.0 200.0 210.0 115.0 All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale. DOCUMENT ENVELOPES ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS UNITS Essex Magnet Wire (Suzhou) Ltd. No.68, Lushan Road Suzhou High-tech Zone Jiangsu, 21529, China
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 29 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 Size - 320mm x 230mm Color - Pantone 485 C and Black Stock - 80 lb. matte cover TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for address block text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing aligns with the left side of company address block. Do not recreate stationery artwork. Contact [email protected] for questions related to envelopes. Essex sas 145, Rue de la République, BP83 69882 Meyzieu, France Addressee’s Name Organization Street Address City, State Zip Code Nation (if applicable) Everywhere You Live and Work® 38.0 0.0 160.0 25.0 89.0 25.0 1 7.0 0.0 25.0 35.0 160.0 115.0 All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale. DOCUMENT ENVELOPES EUROPE BUSINESS UNITS
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 30 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 FAX SHEETS Size - 8.5” x 11.0” 210mm x 297mm (A4) Color - Black TYPE SPECIFICATIONS Preferred size for information block text is 9-10 pt (Calibri, Regular). Preferred size for body text is 10-12 pt (Calibri, Regular). Each line of typing, including the first line of each paragraph, aligns with the left side of the Superior Essex logo. There is one line space between each paragraph. Leave one line space between the salutation and the first line of the letter. At the end of the letter, leave one line space above the complimentary close and three line spaces between the complimentary close and the sender’s name (if applicable). Leave two line spaces below the sender’s name or title and single-space any additional information (if applicable). Do not recreate stationery artwork. Download specific business unit fax sheet templates at MyNet or contact [email protected] . Essex Magnet Wire (Suzhou) Ltd. No.68, Lushan Road Suzhou High-tech Zone Jiangsu, 21529, China CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and all attachments with it may contain confidential and proprietary business information intended solely for the addresses. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us immediately by telephone +1.999.999.9999 or by return facsimile and destroy all copies thereof. Any use or redistribution of the information transmitted herewith, other than by the addressee, is strictly prohibited. Fax 0.0 8.0 1 7.0 26.0 40.0 255.0 264.0 2 8 7.0 0.0 22.0 115.0 145.0 195.0 ASIA PACIFIC, EUROPE NORTH AMERICA BUSINESS UNITS All measurements in millimeters. Artwork not to scale. Salutation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis anteDonec sodales sagittis magna. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Complimentary close, Sender’s Name Sender’s Title To From Fax Number Pages Phone Date Re: CC: To From Fax Number Pages Phone Date Re: CC: Fax Superior Essex Inc. 6120 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 150 Atlanta, GA 30339, USA Salutation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis anteDonec sodales sagittis magna. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Complimentary close, Sender’s Name Sender’s Title CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message and all attachments with it may contain confidential and proprietary business information intended solely for the addresses. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify us immediately by telephone +1.999.999.9999 or by return facsimile and destroy all copies thereof. Any use or redistribution of the information transmitted herewith, other than by the addressee, is strictly prohibited. 0.00 0.93 5.90 7.90 4.50 0.00 0.30 0.65 1.00 1.55 9.30 9.70 10.60 All measurements in inches. Artwork not to scale.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 32 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 EMAIL SIGNATURES Ending your email with a professional signature block is important to supporting our brand. All Superior Essex employees are required to include a corporate email signature block following one of the formats shown. The goal of a signature is to maintain a consistent and professional look across all communications to our customers. Signature blocks can be created, saved and chosen to automatically append to each message you send. TYPE SPECIFICATIONS PC Users - 10pt Calibri, Regular Mac Users - 13pt Calibri, Regular Employee Name - Bold, All Caps Vertical Line - 1 space before and after line CONTENT SPECIFICATIONS The quantity and phone number type included in the corporate email signature is up to the individual. The phone numbers types shown are examples only. Do not change the fonts, their point size or colors, or add additional graphics, slogans or messages to the corporate email signature. Download signature block templates and directions on MyNet or contact [email protected] . FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 33 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 EMAIL SIGNATURES SURVEY OPTION Ending your email with a professional signature block is important to supporting our brand. All Superior Essex employees are required to include a corporate email signature block following one of the formats shown. The goal of a signature is to maintain a consistent and professional look across all communications to our customers. Signature blocks can be created, saved and chosen to automatically append to each message you send. TYPE SPECIFICATIONS PC Users - 10pt Calibri, Regular Mac Users - 13pt Calibri, Regular Employee Name - Bold, All Caps Vertical Line - 1 space before and after line CONTENT SPECIFICATIONS The quantity and phone number type included in the corporate email signature is up to the individual. The phone numbers types shown are examples only. Do not change the fonts, their point size or colors, or add additional graphics, slogans or messages to the corporate email signature. Download signature block templates and directions on MyNet or contact [email protected] . FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile Survey text goes here. FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile Survey text goes here. FIRST NAME LAST NAME Title Business Unit Name Address | City, State | Zip Code 000.000.0000 office | 000.000.0000 mobile Survey text goes here.
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 34 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 It is important to support our brand in presentations for customers, prospects, employees and partners. Use this template as the basis for your presentations. These general guidelines apply to all Superior Essex , Essex and Essex Brownell presentations and those of their business units. Do not recreate presentation artwork. Download specific business unit presentation templates on MyNet or contact [email protected] . PRESENTATION TEMPLATE
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 36 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 1½x 1x 1½x 1½x ½x 1x ½x ½x 1x TYPE B TYPE A BUILDING SIGNS When trying to determine the most appropriate sign type for a building application, the following should be taken into consideration: landlord and city/local restrictions, background materials and colors, visibility and lines of sight, building size, colors and sizes of other sign types in the vicinity, electrical hook-ups and availability and background material surface obstructions. SIGN TYPE The most preferable sign type is internally illuminated channel icon and letters as shown (Type A). The preferred color is black and red if the background material provides sufficient contrast. A white sign cabinet with black and red logo can also be used or if the background does not provide sufficient contrast or allow for channel letters (Type B). These general guidelines apply to signage for Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell offices and buildings. Do not recreate logo artwork. Download the Superior Essex logo at or contact [email protected] . Before producing or installing signage of any kind, submit drawings and specifications to Corporate Marketing for approval at [email protected].
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 37 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TYPE A TYPE B ¾x ¾x 1x 1x 1x ¾x ¾x 1x 1x 1x MONUMENT SIGNS When incorporating a monument sign, it is important to consider landlord requirements, city/local restrictions, visibility and other building materials used nearby. The sign should be appropriately scaled for the location. Be sure to maintain adequate clear space around the logo as outlined below. SIGN TYPE The preferred sign type is a white sign cabinet with black icon and red letters (Type A), or a black sign cabinet with white icon and red letters (Type B), and full internal illumination as shown. When other conditions and restrictions require a specific background material, individual icon and letters should be used. If the background material provides sufficient contrast, internally illuminated channel icon and letters are preferred. These general guidelines apply to signage for Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell offices and buildings. Do not recreate logo artwork. Download the Superior Essex logo at or contact [email protected] . Before producing or installing signage of any kind, submit drawings and specifications to Corporate Marketing for approval at [email protected].
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 38 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 TENANT PANELS It is important to adhere as closely as possible to the logos and colors associated with the Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell identifiers. It is equally important that clear space requirements be observed in these tenant panel applications. SIGN TYPE The preferred color combinations for tenant panel inserts are as shown (in order of preference): Type A : White background with black icon and red letters Type B : Black background with white icon and red letters Type C : White background with black icon and black letters Type D : Red background with white icon and white letters These general guidelines apply to signage for Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell offices and buildings. Do not recreate logo artwork. Download the Superior Essex logo at or contact [email protected] . Before producing or installing signage of any kind, submit drawings and specifications to Corporate Marketing for approval at [email protected]. TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C TYPE D
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 39 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 DOOR/WINDOW DECALS Because the eye interprets glass windows/doors as having dark backgrounds it is best to use a white matte vinyl on glass. Center the decal left to right (as shown), mount it four feet (1.22 meters) to underside of the logo. This positioning will help ensure maximum visibility. Accommodate obstructions or other site-specific requirements as needed. These general guidelines apply to signage for Superior Essex, Essex and Essex Brownell offices and buildings. Do not recreate logo artwork. Download the Superior Essex logo at or contact [email protected] . Before producing or installing signage of any kind, submit drawings and specifications to Corporate Marketing for approval at [email protected]. 4’ / 1.22m
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 41 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 EMBROIDERY SUPERIOR ESSEX To feature the Superior Essex branding on custom apparel, always let the color of the garment “show through” the series of three curves shown in the icon. Embroidery applications are the only instance when the logo can be shown in a tone-on-tone fashion, where the logo’s thread color is similar in shade/ color to that of the garment. Download embroidery (.dst) artwork files at MyNet or contact [email protected] . 2-COLOR 2-COLOR TONE ON TONE 2-COLOR 1-COLOR TONE ON TONE
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 42 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 EMBROIDERY ESSEX To feature the Essex branding on custom apparel, always let the color of the garment “show through” the series of three curves shown in the icon. Embroidery applications are the only instance when the logo can be shown in a tone-on-tone fashion, where the logo’s thread color is similar in shade/ color to that of the garment. Due to embroidery limitations, the Essex logo has been modified. Embroidery is the only instance where this version can be used. Download embroidery (.dst) artwork files at MyNet or contact [email protected] . 2-COLOR 2-COLOR TONE ON TONE 2-COLOR 1-COLOR TONE ON TONE
SUPERIOR ESSEX BRAND GUIDELINES | 43 REV 03.22/VER 4.0 EMBROIDERY ESSEX BROWNELL To feature the Essex Brownell branding on custom apparel, always let the color of the garment “show through” the series of three curves shown in the icon. Embroidery applications are the only instance when the logo can be shown in a tone-on-tone fashion, where the logo’s thread color is similar in shade/ color to that of the garment. Due to embroidery limitations, the Essex Brownell logo has been modified. Embroidery is the only instance where this version can be used. Download embroidery (.dst) artwork files at MyNet or contact [email protected] . 2-COLOR 2-COLOR TONE ON TONE 2-COLOR 1-COLOR TONE ON TONE