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CLIMATE TRANSITION Progress Toward Our 2025 Goals 2021 is the first year for reporting progress toward our efforts. While COVID-19 continued to have an impact on our operations and supply chain during the last year, we remained focused on our commitments. • We increased our efforts to advance smarter sourcing • We continue to maintain carbon neutrality for Scope choices for the cleaning products used in our offices 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 business travel emissions, and and the food offered in our cafeterias. Currently, 40% we neutralized these emissions through a combination of of our cleaning products and 21% of our food are carbon removal and avoidance offset credits. We intend to sustainably sourced. These products are either certified continue working with our investment team to increase our by an approved standard or meet outlined criteria to be sourcing of carbon removal credits each year as we work classified as environmentally preferred. We are continuing toward phasing out carbon avoidance offsets by 2030. to work with key vendors toward meeting our commitment of 100% green cleaning products and 50% sustainably • Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions increased by 60% from sourced food by 2025. 2020 to 2021 but are 25% lower than our 2017 baseline. This year-over-year change reflects an increase in activity • We continue to progress our strategy to remove 100% as our people began to return to offices, and challenges of plastic beverage bottles and disposables from on- in sourcing market-matched renewable energy in certain site cafeterias, micro-markets, and vending machines locations, specifically Singapore. We continue to seek globally, as well as reduce the amount of firm-provided opportunities for further reductions. office supplies that contain plastic by 2025. Over the past year, we have reverted to compostable disposables in our • As of 2021, 74% of our global square footage has been offices following a temporary hiatus in 2020 due to health LEED certified. All newly certified facilities are LEED concerns and supply chain challenges. Gold or equivalent, with the exception of two LEED Silver certified properties that had leases signed prior to 2021. • With many employees working from home in 2020 and Also, 100% of our facilities continue to be ISO 14001 2021, we achieved a 79% reduction per-capita on our certified, and all our on-site events continue to be 100% internal paper use, far exceeding our 30% reduction ISO 20121 certified. target. We will continue to monitor paper use in offices as our staff fully returns to offices. • In 2021, the energy and water intensity of our offices decreased by 36% and 42%, respectively, from a 2017 baseline. As a result, we have already exceeded our energy intensity target of 20% reduction and our water intensity target of 15% reduction by 2025. We will be closely monitoring performance of these metrics as staff fully returns to our offices. • We continue to procure 100% renewable energy for all of our global electricity consumption — and work toward our commitment to have 80% of this from long-term contracts. Sustainability Report 2021 Climate Transition | Driving Sustainability in Our Own Business 44

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