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INCLUSIVE GROWTH Vendor Diversity Program: Global Highlights North America: 200 West APAC: Diversifying Campus Support in India In 2021, when Goldman Sachs relocated our executive office within At our Bengaluru campus, we introduced a 100% women- the building, small and diverse businesses received more than managed Starbucks outlet, the first of its kind in South 40% of overall construction payments and nearly 100% of the India, and our employee commute program hired 15 women furniture orders. drivers. In Hyderabad, 100% of vendors hired to support ground transportation are small- or medium-enterprises or Ronda Jackson, a certified Minority and Women-Owned Business diverse businesses. Enterprises (MWBE) interior designer, incorporated design items from 10,000 Small Businesses alumni. The pieces were displayed EMEA: Experience in Hospitality Program in the firmwide amenity space. BaxterStorey, our hospitality vendor in London, partnered with the Africa Centre, a London-based charity that As part of our One Million Black Women launch campaign, our celebrates the diversity of Africa and its people. In marketing team prioritized partnerships with women-owned conjunction with ESG-focused food and beverage pop- businesses, including creative agency Hive, Poochie Collins for ups, we welcomed aspiring chefs and food entrepreneurs visual design and photography, and Essence, Blavity, and Ebony as to our on-site restaurant over the course of October 2021. media partners. Australia: Building and Supplying Workplaces For the recent fit out of our offices in Australia, we contracted with Indigenous-owned companies to supply workstations and manage our office moves. At The Conrad New York Downtown, we “The 10,000 Small Businesses program has always successfully engaged another female 10,000 been about more than just business growth; it’s Small Businesses graduate to repair and replace about building resilient businesses that can weather awnings. any storm. This has never been more important than during the pandemic, when so many businesses “ShadeFLA is grateful for the opportunity to have have been forced to pivot or shut down entirely. bid on a Goldman Sachs project in NYC in 2020- 21. As a Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses The opportunity to work with Goldman Sachs’ graduate, I greatly benefited from participating in projects team benefited my company not just the 10,000 Small Businesses program that has financially, but it allowed me to tap into my taught me to take my business to the next level. optimism, creativity, and support other 10,000 Through the Goldman Sachs Vendor Program open Small Businesses alumni businesses throughout the to 10,000 Small Businesses alumni, I was able to project. This was very rewarding because community successfully bid on and win two contracts for shade works when we support one another. The pandemic structures at The Conrad New York Downtown. The was a difficult time for everyone, but I’m grateful that timing of these awards was crucial for ShadeFLA’s the project helped me get through it. It reminded sales during the pandemic. As a Hispanic-owned me that even in tough times, we can continue to business, we appreciated these contracts because grow, thrive, and create new relationships for future they kept our bottom line growing, which provided opportunities.” funds to keep our team employed.” MARGUERITTE RAMOS RONDA JACKSON President, ShadeFLA Inc. CID, Serial Entrepreneur and Small Business Sustainability Report 2021 Inclusive Growth | Driving Change Across Our Firm Advocate, Décor Interior Design Inc.

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