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Driving Sustainability in Our Own Business CLIMATE TRANSITION Our Net Zero Journey: Incremental Progress Early last year and in conjunction with the announcement Supporting behavior change among our people will contribute of our long-term commitment to align our financing to reducing our firm’s emissions footprint by making more activities with a net zero by 2050 pathway, we expanded sustainable choices in how we work and travel. In Bengaluru, our operational carbon neutrality commitment with a goal we introduced 40 electric vehicles to our employee to achieve net zero carbon emissions in our operations and commutation program, and we plan to increase this to 150 supply chain by 2030. in the coming year. As part of a developing Green Traveler program, we are exploring ways to provide increased internal Our net zero carbon strategy focuses on five key areas transparency on business travel and commuting impacts, across our operations and supply chain. These five key areas which will help our people understand how their actions can include increasing energy efficiency in our buildings, sourcing support our efforts. renewable energy, engaging with our vendors, encouraging behavior change among our people, and purchasing carbon We also recognize that a portion of our journey to net offsets for the emissions that we cannot reduce. zero will require investments in carbon removal offsets to neutralize the emissions we are unable to eliminate through Increasing energy efficiency in our buildings is paramount the four strategies above. This has presented an opportunity to our net zero journey. To do this, we have continued to to partner with our financing and global markets groups to focus on reducing our energy consumption through LEED explore carbon removal projects and bring new solutions to certified smart building design and upgrading equipment to the market that we and our clients can leverage. maintain ongoing operational efficiency. We also continue to source renewable energy for 100% of our electricity use. With an increase in corporate net zero commitments over In the past year, we signed long-term solar power purchase the last year, demand for carbon removal has risen faster agreements, which will position us to achieve our 2025 than existing projects can supply. Through collaboration, target of sourcing 80% of our renewable energy from long- we hope to support the nascent carbon project market term, impactful agreements. challenges by connecting corporate needs and available capital, while navigating developing standards, regulations, Engaging with our vendors is an important step in and transparency. addressing Scope 3 supply chain emissions and is critical to achieving our 2030 net zero carbon commitment. In 2021, to facilitate dialogue with our vendors around their own emissions management programs, we joined CDP Supply Chain as a lead member. Through this program, we engaged with vendors representing a majority of our supply chain emissions to gain a better understanding of their GHG emissions and climate actions. We also integrated standard climate-related RFP and vendor assessment questions in our sourcing and vendor review processes. Combined, this information will allow us to build further dialogue with our vendors to support and catalyze their own decarbonization journeys. Sustainability Report 2021 Climate Transition | Driving Sustainability in Our Own Business 4242

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