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BY THE NUMBERS – 2021 PROGRESS¹ ~ $1 B 6 of sustainability issuances sustainability issuances > 90% ~ 3,330 of funding allocated to new affordable/specialized housing investments and loans units built or rehabilitated3 ~ 730k MWh ~ 38,500 clean energy projected to be produced2 loans to LMI individuals4 1 3 Key Performance Indicators represent aggregate metrics across all investments where data was Represents the number of affordable/specialized housing units that Goldman Sachs available, as provided directly by the relevant companies. provided financing for the construction and/or rehabilitation of and may still be under development. 2 4 Represents a projection for the expected amount of energy to be produced (MWh). MWh represents Low-to-moderate income (LMI) households are defined as having income levels lower Sustainability Report 2021 megawatt hours. Introduction than 80% of the area median income. 1158

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