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As for environmental protection AWS has sophisticated fire detection and suppression equipment, fully redundant power infrastructure with integrated UPS units and high end climate control system to guarantee an optimal working environment for the hardware. AWS data centers are situated in nondescript locations and are closely monitored 24/7 by professional security staff, video surveillance, and intrusion detection systems. Limited Physical Access: Physical access to AWS data centers is strictly controlled with two-factor authentication and a minimum privilege principle. Regular Audits: AWS conducts regular audits to ensure the continued effectiveness of physical security measures. Compliance Standards: AWS data centers comply with various industry standards such as ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3, ensuring a high level of physical security and data protection. Strict Personnel Vetting: AWS implements a rigorous personnel screening process to ensure only trustworthy individuals have access. Role-Based Access Control: Access to physical locations is limited based on roles, ensuring only necessary personnel can access sensitive areas. Visitor Control: All visitors are logged and escorted at all times within AWS facilities. Continuous Monitoring: Ongoing surveillance and security audits are conducted to maintain the integrity of access controls. To mitigate risk of heat, fire, water Climate Control Systems: AWS employs advanced climate control systems to maintain optimal temperatures and humidity levels. Fire Detection and Suppression: AWS data centers are equipped with state-of-the-art fire detection and suppression systems. Water Damage Prevention: Facilities are designed to prevent water damage, with sensors and barriers in place to detect and mitigate any potential water hazards. Risk of hurricane, tornado, earthquake Strategic Location Selection: AWS data centers are strategically located in areas with a reduced risk of natural disasters. Structural Integrity: The buildings are designed to withstand various natural disaster scenarios, including hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Disaster Recovery Protocols: AWS has comprehensive disaster recovery plans, including data backup and redundant systems, to ensure quick recovery and minimal service interruption in the event of a natural disaster. Our physical infrastructure for data storage and maintenance is hosted entirely on AWS, which involves a network of highly secure data centers across various locations. 46 of 52

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