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(b) The data importer shall assist the data exporter in fulfilling its obligations to respond to data subjects’ requests for the exercise of their rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679. In this regard, the Parties shall set out in Annex II the appropriate technical and organizational measures, taking into account the nature of the processing, by which the assistance shall be provided, as well as the scope and the extent of the assistance required. (c) In fulfilling its obligations under paragraphs (a) and (b), the data importer shall comply with the instructions from the data exporter. Clause 11 Redress (a) The data importer agrees that data subjects may also lodge a complaint with an 4 independent dispute resolution body at no cost to the data subject. It shall inform the data subjects, in the manner set out in paragraph (a), of such a redress mechanism and that they are not required to use it, or follow a particular sequence in seeking redress. (b) In case of a dispute between a data subject and one of the Parties as regards compliance with these Clauses, that Party shall use its best efforts to resolve the issue amicably in a timely fashion. The Parties shall keep each other informed about such disputes and, where appropriate, cooperate in resolving them. (c) Where the data subject invokes a third-party beneficiary right pursuant to Clause 3, the data importer shall accept the decision of the data subject to: (i) lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority in the Member State of his/her habitual residence or place of work, or the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Clause 13; (ii) refer the dispute to the competent courts within the meaning of Clause 18. (d) The Parties accept that the data subject may be represented by a not-for-profit body, organization or association under the conditions set out in Article 80(1) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679. (e) The data importer shall abide by a decision that is binding under the applicable EU or Member State law. 4 The data importer may offer independent dispute resolution through an arbitration body only if it is established in a country that has ratified the New York Convention on Enforcement of Arbitration Awards. (f) The data importer agrees that the choice made by the data subject will not prejudice his/her substantive and procedural rights to seek remedies in accordance with applicable laws. 29 of 52

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