The Big Idea for a Start-Up Company

Developed Markets: Gaming Competitive Team Play

IN THE DEVELOPED MARKETS THERE ARE 250 MILLION VIDEO GAME PLAYERS MANY/MOST/ALOT WANT TO JOIN A COMPETITIVE TEAM, SO THERE SHOULD BE 50 MILLION TEAMS. BUT THERE ARE ONLY 1M. WHY? THE BIG IDEA FOR A ST HOW ARE 49M+ PLAYERS FAILING TO JOIN COMPETITIVE TEAM PLAY? 5 WEEKS JOIN A 70% FAILURE Pit HERE’S THE ch An BASIC MATH ything Blueprin $15 AVG. COST TEAM AFTER 90 DAYS AR t T -UP COMP The jump from player to team is much harder than you would 4 KEY REASONS: WHY TECHNOLOGY IS HARD TO DELIVER think ... because being on a team is a little like being in a band: lots of strong personalities need to work together smoothly. It STEAM GROUPS don’t give you enough information looks fun but the work of “winning” is intense and requires hard 1 on the team you’re signing up to play with. ANY work and strong sense of team; not something gamers are FORUM THREADS don’t give you enough detail on known for. 2 a prospective teamate. Mike Smith is the account executive for REDDIT POSTS take too much time and are difficult for DreamTeam and leads business development. 3 Reddit novice to navigate [email protected] 800-555-1212 FIND A PLAYER sites are too thinly populated and are 4 largely amatuer efforts by non-gamers. 10