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120 Listening to the simultaneous messages of Dublin, James Joyce released the greatest flood of oral linguistic music that was ever manipulated into art. "The prouts who will invent a writing there ulti­ mately is the poeta, still more learned, who dis­ covered the raiding there originally. That's the point of eschatology our book of kills reaches for now in soandso many counterpoint words. What can't be coded can be decorded if an ear aye sieze what no eye ere grieved for. Now, the doc­ trine obtains, we have occasioning cause causing effects and affects occasionally recausing alter­ effects. Joyce is, in the "Wake," making his own Altamira cave drawings of the entire history of the human mind, in terms of its basic gestures and postures during all the phases of human culture and tech­ nology. As his title indicates, he saw that the wake of human progress can disappear again into the night of sacral or auditory man. The Finn cycle of tribal institutions can return in the electric age, but if again, then let's make it a wake or awake or both. Joyce could see no advantage in our remain­ ing locked up in each cultural cycle as in atrance or dream. He discovered the means of living simulta­ neously in all cultural modes while quite conscious.

The Medium Is The Massage - Marshall McLuhan Page 64 Page 66