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and trial of our brands and products in conjunction with our sales force. We believe this combination provides the most efficient method of marketing for these types of products. Product quality, performance, value and packaging are also important differentiating factors. Government Regulation . Our Company is subject to a wide variety of laws and regulations across the countries in which we do business. In the United States, many of our products and manufacturing operations are subject to one or more federal or state regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA ), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). We are also subject to anti - corruption laws and regulations, such as the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and antitrust and competition laws and regulations that govern our dealings with suppliers, customers, competitors and government officials. In addition, many foreign jurisdictions in which we do business have regulations and regulatory bodies that gove rn similar aspects of our operations and products, in some cases to an even more significant degree. We are also subject to expanding laws and regulations related to environmental protection and other sustainability - related matters, non - financial reportin g and diligence, labor and employment, trade, taxation and data privacy and protection, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar regulations in states within the United States and in countries around the world. For additional information on the potential impacts of global legal and regulatory requirements on our business, see “Item 1A. Risk Factors” herein. The Company has in place compliance programs and internal and external experts to help guide our business i n complying with these and other existing laws and regulations that apply to us around the globe; and we have made, and plan to continue making, necessary expenditures for compliance with these laws and regulations. We also expect that our many suppliers, consultants and other third parties working on our behalf share our commitment to compliance, and we have policies and procedures in place to manage these relationships, though they inherently involve a lesser degree of control over operations and governa nce. We do not expect that the Company’s expenditures for compliance with current government regulations, including current environmental regulations, will have a material effect on our total capital expenditures, earnings or competitive position in fisca l year 2023 as compared to prior periods. Human Capital . Our employees are a key source of competitive advantage. Their actions, guided by our Purpose, Values and Principles (PVPs), are critical to the long - term success of our business. We aim to retain our talented employees by offering competitive compens ation and benefits, strong career development and a respectful and inclusive culture that provides equal opportunity for all. Our Board of Directors, through the Compensation and Leadership Development Committee (C&LD Committee), provides oversight of th e Company’s policies and strategies relating to talent including diversity, equality and inclusion as well as the Company’s compensation principles and practices. The C&LD Committee also evaluates and approves the Company’s compensation plans, policies an d programs applicable to our senior executives. Employees As of June 30, 2022, the Company had approximately 106,000 employees, an increase of five percent versus the prior year due primarily to business growth. The total number of employees is an estimate of total Company employees excluding interns, co - ops, contractors and employees of joint ventures. 49% of our employees are in manufacturing roles and 26% of our employees are located in the United States. 41% of our global employees are women. As of June 30, 2022, 28% of our U.S. employees identify as multicultural. Training and Development We focus on attracting, developing and retaining skilled and diverse talent, both from universities and the broader market. We recruit from among the best universities across markets in which we compete and are generally able to select from the top talent. We focus on developing our employees by providing a variety of job experiences, training programs and skill development opportunities. Given our develop - from - within model for staffing most of our senior leadership positions, it is particularly important for us to ensure holistic growth and full engagement of our employees. Diversity, Equality and Inclusion As a consumer products company, we believe that it is important for our workforce to reflect the diversity of our consumers worldwide. We also seek to foster an inclusive work environment where each individual can bring their authentic self, which helps drive innovation and enables us to better serve o ur consumers. We aspire to achieve equal gender representation globally and at key management and leadership levels. Within the U.S. workforce, our aspiration is to achieve 40% multicultural representation overall as well as at management and leadership levels. Compensation and Benefits Our compensation plans are based on the principles of paying for performance, paying competitively versus peer companies that we compete with for talent and in the marketplace and focusing on long - term success through a c ombination of short - term and long - term incentive programs. We also offer competitive benefit programs, including retirement plans and health insurance in line with local country practices with flexibility to accommodate the needs of a diverse workforce. S ustainability . Environmental sustainability is a key focus area and integrated into P&G’s business strategies. The Company has declared its focus on developing irresistibly superior products and packages that are sustainable. The Company announced an am bition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, purchase renewable electricity for our operations, reduce our use of virgin petroleum - based plastic in our packaging, increase the recyclability or reusability of our packaging and increase responsible sourcing of key forest - based commodities such as wood pulp and palm oil. 2 The Procter & Gamble Company

The Procter & Gamble Annual Report - Page 14 The Procter & Gamble Annual Report Page 13 Page 15