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Our Community Impact work helps improve lives for people in difficult times by providing clean water and donations of product, time and money to those affected by natural disasters and crises around the world. It is also part of what employees are proud of and value in P&G. The ability to do good for the communities we live and work in also helps us attract and retain the best talent. We know we increase our chances of winning when we have an equal, diverse and inclusive culture that gives life to the best thoughts and ideas — a culture where everyone can succeed and is able to be their best. Externally, we support equality and inclusion efforts with our business partners and in the communities where we live and work because it is not only the right thing to do, but it also can improve income and wealth equity for more people, creating more purchasing power, which drives market growth. Our foundation is our Purpose, Values and Principles, which set a high standard for each P&G person. High standards are good. They require that we hold ourselves and each other accountable for results and, equally important, for how we achieve those results. Last year, we added an ESG factor to our annual incentive compensation program for our senior executives as a demonstration of our commitment to near-term progress toward our long-term ESG goals. Serving and balancing the needs of consumers, customers, employees, society and shareowners will not be easy, but it is necessary — and those that do it best, as I expect we will, should thrive. Looking Forward The integrated strategies we have outlined here were delivering strong results before the pandemic. They served us well during the more recent volatile times. They remain the right strategic choices to drive balanced growth and value creation. We endeavor to step forward into the challenges we face, not back, growing through near-term challenges, while serving consumers and communities. We are doing this in our interest, in society’s interest and in the interest of our long-term shareowners. Confidence in our future success is rooted in my confidence in P&G people. Every day, P&G people demonstrate their commitment to our Purpose, Values and Principles, their high motivation to win, their personal accountability to winning results, and their strong focus on sustained excellence in everything they do — serving consumers, serving customers and delivering for shareowners. JON R. MOELLER Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer viii • The Procter & Gamble Company

The Procter & Gamble Annual Report - Page 10 The Procter & Gamble Annual Report Page 9 Page 11