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NOTE 13 COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Guarantees In conjunction with certain transactions, primarily divestitures, we may provide routine indemnifications (e.g., indemnification for representations and warranties and retention of previously existing environmental, tax and employee liabilities) for which terms range in duration and, in some circumstances, are not explicitly defined. The maxi mum obligation under some indemnifications is also not explicitly stated and, as a result, the overall amount of these obligations cannot be reasonably estimated. Other than obligations recorded as liabilities at the time of divestiture, we have not made significant payments for these indemnifications. We believe that if we were to incur a loss on any of these matters, the loss would not have a material effect on our financial position, results of operations or cash flows. In certain situations, we guaran tee loans for suppliers and customers. The total amount of guarantees issued under such arrangements is not material. Off - Balance Sheet Arrangements We do not have off - balance sheet financing arrangements, including variable interest entities, that have a material impact on our financial statements. Purchase Commitments We have purchase commitments for materials, supplies, services and property, plant and equipment as part of the normal course of business. Commitments made under take - or - pay obligations are as follows: Years ending June 30 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 There - after Purchase obligations $ 1,082 $ 494 $ 332 $ 259 $ 193 $ 425 Such amounts represent minimum commitments under take - or - pay agreements with suppliers and are in line with expected usage. These amounts include purchase commitments related to service contracts for information technology, human resources management and facilities management activities that have been outsourced to third - party suppliers. Due to the proprietary nature of many of our materials and processes, certain supply contracts contain penalty provisions for early termination. We do not expect to incur penalty payments under these provisions that would materially affect our financial position, results of op erations or cash flows. Litigation We are subject, from time to time, to certain legal proceedings and claims arising out of our business, which cover a wide range of matters, including antitrust and trade regulation, product liability, advertising, cont racts, environmental, patent and trademark matters, labor and employment matters and tax. While considerable uncertainty exists, in the opinion of management and our counsel, the ultimate resolution of the various lawsuits and claims will not materially af fect our financial position, results of operations or cash flows. We are also subject to contingencies pursuant to environmental laws and regulations that in the future may require us to take action to correct the effects on the environment of prior manufa cturing and waste disposal practices. Based on currently available information, we do not believe the ultimate resolution of environmental remediation will materially affect our financial position, results of operations or cash flows. Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure. Not applicable. Item 9A. Controls and Procedures. Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures. The Company's Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Exe cutive Officer, Jon R. Moeller, and the Company's Chief Financial Officer, Andre Schulten, performed an evaluation of the Company's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a - 15(e) and 15d - 15(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exch ange Act)) as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report on Form 10 - K. Messrs. Moeller and Schulten have concluded that the Company's disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed in repor ts we file or submit under the Exchange Act is (1) recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time periods specified in Securities and Exchange Commission rules and forms, and (2) accumulated and communicated to our management, including Messr s. Moeller and Schulten, to allow their timely decisions regarding required disclosure. Changes in Internal Control over Financial Reporting. There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the Company's fourth fiscal quarter that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company's internal control over financial reporting. Item 9B. Other Information. Not applicable. Item 9C. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdictions t hat Prevent Inspections. Not applicable. Amounts in millions of dollars except per share amounts or as otherwise specified. The Procter & Gamble Company 63

The Procter & Gamble Annual Report - Page 75 The Procter & Gamble Annual Report Page 74 Page 76