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Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income Amounts in millions; Years ended June 30 2022 2021 2020 NET EARNINGS $ 14,793 $ 14,352 $ 13,103 OTHE R COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/(LOSS), NET OF TAX Foreign currency translation (net of tax of $515, $(266) and $59, respectively) (1,450) 1,023 (1,083) Unrealized gains/(losses) on investment securities (net of tax of $1, $5 and $(1), respectively) 5 16 (12) Unrealized gains/(losses) on defined benefit postretirement plans (net of tax of $1,022, $445 and $(42), respectively) 2,992 1,386 (150) TOTAL OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME/(LOSS), NET OF TAX 1,547 2,425 (1,245) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 16,340 16,777 11,858 Less: Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests 43 50 60 TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO PROCTER & GAMBLE $ 16,297 $ 16,727 $ 11,798 38 The Procter & Gamble Company See accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

The Procter & Gamble Annual Report - Page 50 The Procter & Gamble Annual Report Page 49 Page 51