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8.3 EvEryThiNg yOU NEED TO kNOW ABOUT SElf- PUBliShiNg BOOk DiSTriBUTiON In this chapter, I’m going to walk through the different book for- mats—eBook, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook—and help you decide if you should create them, then explore your options for printing and distributing each version. HOW TO DISTRIBUTE YOUR EBOOK The easiest place to start is with an eBook because it doesn’t need to be printed, so you’re just left with distribution. SHOULD YOU DO AN EBOOK? Yes, if at all possible. There’s almost no reason not to. When eBooks first hit the scene, people said they’d be the end for printed books. EvEryThiNg yOU NEED TO kNOW ABOUT SElf-PUBliShiNg BOOk DiSTriBUTiON · 341

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 341 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 340 Page 342