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There’s not much you can do here—your book is the length it is—but we’ve found in our data that, for nonfiction books, those between 100 and 200 pages sell the best and are read the most. PRICE Some people will look at price. For some reason, it appears that people are far more price conscious for eBooks than they are for physical books. The reason for this is value perception. Generally speaking, we recommend keeping your goals for your book in mind when you price. THE BOOK TEXT There are some people who actually use the “Look Inside” function on Amazon to check out the first few pages and engage the content of the book itself. If they’re in a bookstore, they flip the book open and read a bit. They might even do more research to find articles online about the book. These are the high-information buyers, but they are a distinct minority. Probably fewer than 10 percent of your buyers do the thing that everyone says they want to do: judge a book by the con- tent inside, and not the cover. 448 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 448 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 447 Page 449