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7.2 hOW TO WriTE yOUr AUThOr BiO (AND Why iT MATTErS) Unless you’re one of the household name authors (Steven King, JK Rowling, Malcolm Gladwell), most people buying your book will not know who you are. So how will they learn about you? And why is this even important? That’s what this chapter will explain: how to properly write your author bio, and why it’s so important. WHY YOUR AUTHOR BIO IS SO IMPORTANT Even though very few authors think about it, and even fewer writ- ing or publishing guides talk about it, the “Author Bio” section will impact sales and reputation, and often determines what media you get. It impacts sales directly. “Author reputation” is consistently cited as one of the main factors that influence book buying. If you can establish yourself as an authority on your book topic, readers will hOW TO WriTE yOUr AUThOr BiO (AND Why iT MATTErS) · 253

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 253 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 252 Page 254