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6. DO NOT POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA TO GET FEEDBACK The best way to ensure you choose the mediocre (or even bad) cover is to poll people on social media. Your average potential reader—when asked which cover they like— is going to channel their inner mob mentality and respond to the title that is most like what already saturates your market. They pick the most common design, because to them, common means fitting in. True, fitting in is better than looking a mess, but the cover game, first and foremost, is about BEING MEMORABLE. Beyond that, a good book cover is not designed to appeal to every- one. It’s designed to appeal to the target audience of the book. Your 2,500 Facebook friends include people you knew in high school and in-laws and that guy you met at a conference three years ago. They are not the target audience for your book. hOW TO gET A grEAT BOOk COvEr · 291

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 291 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 290 Page 292