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9.4 WhAT’S ThE (iNTANgiBlE) iMPACT Of A BOOk? When we ask authors why they want to write a book, most of them focus on their branding or business goals. Those are legitimate goals, and books help greatly with both. But those aren’t the only goals. Many authors also want to achieve intangible goals, things like “helping people” and “personal growth.” They often mention them as an aside, almost as if they’re embar- rassed about having these sorts of goals. As if it’s not appropriate for a businessperson to have emotions. But when we talk to our authors after their books are out, they’re almost all impacted the most by these “intangible” benefits of their book. The things they apologized for wanting at the beginning are what makes them happiest after it’s published. I love these stories. WhAT’S ThE (iNTANgiBlE) iMPACT Of A BOOk? · 399

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 399 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 398 Page 400