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specific, detailed, actionable plan, so you can know for certain that if you follow it, you’ll get your book done. STEP 9: ASK YOURSELF, “HOW CAN I USE THIS FEAR TO HELP ME?” Fear can actually help you, if you take the right perspective on it. Remember the roller coaster example. You cannot choose your physiological response to a roller coaster, but with some practice, you CAN choose how you interpret that physiological response. Your subjective experience can be “afraid” or “thrilled,” but the body treats the physical response the same. This means you can reframe fear into excitement, and retrain your brain to not be afraid of writing your book—and in fact to harness that energy to help you write your book. Now look at each fear you wrote, and ask, “How can I use this fear to help me?” For example, if the fear is “I’m afraid that I’ll write this book and I will look bad, and it will hurt my professional reputation,” then you can use the energy of that fear to motivate you to put in the work to do a really good book—to ensure that you do not look bad. This is possible for each fear. Every fear has the seeds of its solution in it, if you can find them and use them. 50 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 50 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 49 Page 51