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8.4 hOW TO WriTE A NONfiCTiON BOOk PrOPOSAl (WiTh TEMPlATE) If you are going to self-publish (as you probably should), then don’t read this chapter. If you are determined to get your book picked up by a traditional publisher, this chapter will show you the next step. For those authors who can get a traditionally published deal, they still need to write what’s called a “book proposal” before they can take their book to a traditional publisher to try for a deal. If you’re one of those authors who can still get a deal and wants to pursue it, then this chapter is for you. What I’ll do here is walk you through what a book proposal is, the purpose they serve, and how to structure them. I just want to warn you: Book proposals are a very unusual form of writing, unlike anything else you’ll ever do in your life. hOW TO WriTE A NONfiCTiON BOOk PrOPOSAl (WiTh TEMPlATE) · 349

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 349 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 348 Page 350