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HOW DO YOU BEAT PROCRASTINATION? Like almost everything that stops you from sitting down and writing, procrastination is a symptom of fear in another form. If you find yourself procrastinating, then ask yourself if you believe in your plan and your outline. Sometimes procrastination is your subconscious telling you that something is wrong with your plan. Look at your plan for your book again. Examine it, and ask yourself if you believe in each section. If you don’t, then fix wherever you see a problem, and you should be good. Also, another great way to beat procrastination is to use public accountability. When you are lagging on your book, post about it, and that will help you get support and make sure you find the will to keep going. SHOULD YOU WRITE SEQUENTIALLY? For most authors, you’re better off going sequentially unless you get stuck. If you get stuck, leave it, and go to the next place you can pick up. Fill in holes later. HOW LONG SHOULD YOUR BOOK BE? We tell our authors that their book should be as short as possible, without leaving anything out. You should not write thinking about length, but you should remem- ber to keep your book as short and focused as possible. Shorter books are much better. They sell better, they are more read, more engaged, and more impactful. The data we have on this is very clear: books under 100 pages don’t sell as well (lower perception of value), books between 100 and 199 pages sell the best, books between 200 and 299 pages sell almost hOW TO WriTE yOUr firST DrAfT (ThE vOMiT METhOD) · 145

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 145 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 144 Page 146