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actually narrowing your audience down as much as possible—down to only the people your book is intended to help. AUDIENCE MISTAKES Authors make two big mistakes when thinking about their audience: MISTAKE #1: GOING BROAD INSTEAD OF NICHE Some authors start by thinking their book can potentially reach everyone. They dream about the millions of people that “could possibly” find their book appealing. Don’t do that. There is literally no book ever written with an audi- ence of everyone. Not the Bible. Not the Koran. Not the Torah. Not 50 Shades, or Harry Potter, or any other book. If you think your book is for everyone, you are flat wrong. In fact, even thinking that your book appeals to a wide audience is probably wrong. There are very few nonfiction books published each year that have an audience of more than even a hundred thousand. The fact is, the large majority of books are completely unappealing to most people. And that’s perfectly okay. BETTER FRAME: THE RICHES ARE IN THE NICHES Imagine you’re searching for oil. Do you want to dig down only one foot, over ten miles wide? Or do you want to go down ten miles deep into the earth? 64 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 64 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 63 Page 65