They’re not buying or reading your book for you. They are buying it and reading it to get something they want. So yes, this means that your readers only care about what your book will get them. They view your book and you and your story in terms of that lens only. We have some authors who want to make their book about them- selves. They want to write all about their lives and their personal stories and go on and on about themselves, their fears, their anxi- eties, their accomplishments…no one cares. Don’t get me wrong, they absolutely have the right to write a book that is a monument to themselves. But no one will read it or care about it. [Yes, there are some exceptions for certain types of mem- oirs, but that’s beyond the scope of this book.] I say that not to judge memoirs or books that are very self-focused. Just know that if you do this, you’re writing that book only for your- self. If you know that and accept it, then it’s fine. Go do it. But if you want your book to find an audience and have an impact on readers, then you must start with the intention that the focus of the book is on what’s relevant to the reader. Yes, you are the author of your book…but it’s not for you. It’s for the reader. PUT THE PARTS OF YOUR STORY IMPORTANT TO THE READER What I’m about to tell you will seem contradictory. But it’s not: The reader absolutely does want to hear your story…but only the parts that are relevant to why they are reading your book. We have many authors who don’t want to put any of their story in the book. They think it’s arrogant, or they don’t want to talk about themselves, or they’re afraid to be vulnerable or to share 416 · ThE SCriBE METhOD
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