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Ultimate Software, this book would not exist. You have given me the opportunity to lead a great group of individuals—to be a leader of great leaders is a blessed place to be. Thank you to Chad, Dan, Dave, Gretchen, JC, Laura, Patrick, Scott, and Susan. Having an idea and turning it into a book is as hard as it sounds. The experience is both internally challenging and rewarding. I especially want to thank the individuals that helped make this happen. Complete thanks to Joanie, Randy Walton, Patrick O’Neill, Barbara Boyd, Carol Raphael, and Dan Bernitt. Scott Scherr, thank you for being a leader I trust, honor, and respect. I will always welcome the chance to represent you. “Au Au Au!” Tiffany Haddish, a well-known comedian, continues her “simple yet emotionally powerful” style from her book The Last Black Unicorn into the acknowledgments. She thanks her close family and then closes with a joke in line with the subject matter of the book, and a blanket acknowledgment to the untold masses who have encouraged her. I want to thank: My Grandma. My Mama. My Aunties. My Daddy for donating the sperm that made me. All my brothers and sisters. My best friends Selena, Shermona, Aiko, Shana, Richea. My old agent, my current agents and managers, and Tucker Max. WriTE yOUr BOOk ACkNOWlEDgMENTS · 213

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 213 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 212 Page 214