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4.3 hOW TO WriTE yOUr firST DrAfT (ThE vOMiT METhOD) What we’ve found working with thousands of authors is that almost all of them know how to write out their ideas. What they need most is what we’ve already gone over: defined book positioning and a clear book plan. From there, the writing itself is easy. Where problems arise is in the mindset around writing. Let’s talk about that. GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO WRITE A MEDIOCRE FIRST DRAFT This is a simple thing, but one that most people skip: Give yourself permission to write a mediocre first draft. Most beginning authors have this notion that professional writers put out amazing first drafts, or that their first draft has to be really good. That is nonsense. hOW TO WriTE yOUr firST DrAfT (ThE vOMiT METhOD) · 139

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 139 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 138 Page 140