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best I could find was written by Cameron Herold (it’s called Double Double, and he has two more called Meetings Suck and Vivid Vision). I read the book and thought, “This is genius. But I need more. I need this guy to coach me directly.” I reached out to Cameron, and he now advises our company (and owns a piece of it). That’s how valuable he’s been. It all came about because he had a really good book that led me to him. There are probably five hundred other people out there who could have taught me the same things, but Cameron is the only one that had a great book that I could read and use to determine that he was the guy to teach me. I never would have listened to a sales pitch or paid attention to an ad. I had to see proof, and his book was it. It caused me to come to him. The point is, a book is not something magical that will make you rich, famous, and important. But it can help you accomplish a lot of other goals, if you use it correctly. This means writing a book that has knowledge that is valuable to a specific set of readers, and delivering it in a way that serves them. In fact, if you do that, you can get a lot of benefits, and maybe even make some money and be well known—at least in your niche. WHY DO UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS HURT YOUR BOOK? You might be wondering right now, “Well, what’s wrong with dreaming about hitting it big? Some books sell millions of copies and become bestsellers. Why not hope for the best?” There is nothing wrong with wanting your book to do well. The problem with turning an unrealistic expectation into a goal is that 372 · ThE SCriBE METhOD

The Scribe Method by Tucker Max - Page 372 The Scribe Method by Tucker Max Page 371 Page 373