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Top 21 Tips to Get More Results With Your Content

RV DB TOP 21 TIPS TO GET 4X MORE RESULTS WITH YOUR CONTENT m h t i r o g l A n I d e k n i L e h T

RV DB #1 - Make it Personal Personal stories, including selfies, are hot on LinkedIn. People do business with people, so make sure they get to know and see you.

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RV DB #2 - Post Frequently, but Moderately! The good news is that 1 Author can now show up with multiple Posts in the feed. But your post needs time to grow! It will get a boost after 2 hours and 8 hours. Don’t post within 18 hours from your last, since you will cannibalize your average reach per post.

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RV DB #3 - Nurture Your Own Post for Better Results Important to respond to (all the) comments in the first 12 hours. LinkedIn loves the interaction between Authors and Audiences.

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RV DB #4 - Ideal Post Length Ideal Post Length is between 1.200 and 1.600 characters (roughly 15 - 20 lines). Keep your audience engaged (aka reading) for better results.

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RV DB #5 - Don’t Drop and Leave - Stick Around LinkedIn values your time and input. Get more eyes on your own content by engaging with at least 3 - 4 posts directly after you have published yours.

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RV DB #6 - Creator Mode will Grow Your Followers and Reach But you need to Post at least 2 - 3 times a week and make sure your content resonates with your audience. Relevancy is key!

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RV DB #7 - LinkedIn Newsletters! Maybe You Don’t Need One Reach and engagement has gone down. Maybe it’s better to wrap your content in a slide deck, video or text post, since they get more instant reach? Or do both!

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RV DB #8 - Different Formats, Different Results Favorited by the Algorithm: Slide Decks (PDF) Video Polls Multiple Picture Posts Less reach for: Posts with external links Celebrate Occasion Articles

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RV DB #9 - Ingredients for the Perfect Post Use a trigger in the first 3 lines Have a Scroll Stopper Write at least 8 lines of text Use hashtags (3-5) Tag People and Companies, and Think of a Call-To-Action

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RV DB #10 - High Reach for Slide Decks (aka Document Posts) Use between 5 and 9 slides, use not more than 30 words per slide, include pictures (selfies); and make it visually appealing

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RV DB #11 - 3 Tips to Improve the Results of Your Video Content Create snack-able videos between 20 and 60 seconds, Square format and subtitles. Most importantly, upload it native to LinkedIn

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RV DB #12 - Check your Social Selling Index (S.S.I) LinkedIn rewards members with an S.S.I. over 70 with more reach. Check your score via:

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RV DB #13 - Use Between 3 and 5 Hashtags per Post Don’t forget to include hashtags (- 30% reach) but don't overdo it either (more than 10 also -35%). Position, and number of followers has hardly any influence.

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RV DB #14 - Avoid Negative Engagement on Your Posts People that unfollow you, remove the connection, remove being mentioned in your post, or report your content will stop the acceleration of growth of your post.

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RV DB #15 - Only Your First Action of Engagement Counts (!) You might want to reconsider your behavior on LinkedIn. First a 'Like' then a 'Comment'? It will kill the positive impact on the algorithm a comment normally haves

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RV DB #16 - The First 90 Minutes is Where the Magic Happens LinkedIn analyzes all posts. They will share yours with your frequent readers, your inner-circle of highly engaged followers. Make sure you’ll get them to engage in the first 90 minutes, it will sky-rocket your reach

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RV DB #17 - Don’t Be Too Quick with Editing or Commenting Don’t be the first one to comment on your own post. And don’t edit that typo in the first 10 minutes after publishing. It will lead to a penalty in reach.

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RV DB #18 - Be Creative with External Links Want to drive traffic from LinkedIn to your website? Put the link in the comments (after 10 minutes), or edit your post and add it (-10% penalty). Or just be brave and include it in the original post using the 6 ingredients for a Perfect Post (see Tip #9)

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RV DB #19 - Be Consistent Are you posting regularly? If you take a break and don’t post for 4 weeks, your next 4 - 5 posts will receive about 35% less reach.

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RV DB #20 - The Tag Mafia Tagging multiple people (for the wrong reasons) that don’t engage? Penalty! Tagging yourself in the post? No Benefits! Better to tag people in the comments.

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RV DB #21 - Get Access to More LinkedIn Algorithm Tips Follow me on LinkedIn. Ring the Bell. For all the gold and priceless insights and tactics: Join The TRIBE

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#Follow #Connect Want to have these insights shared with your team, colleagues, or company? A tailor-made LinkedIn Inspiration Session? Social Selling or LinkedIn Marketing Programs? Based on + 800 best practices and international clients? Send me an e-mail: [email protected]

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