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Risk-reducing intervention Participants may choose from a selection If an expectant mother is identi昀椀ed as of high-quality print or e-books and other high-risk, she will be placed into our materials containing helpful information Complex Condition CARE program. about pregnancy, pre-term labor, childbirth, The Maternity CARE nurse and CARE nurse breastfeeding and infant care. manager will work together to monitor Members who enroll during their 昀椀rst and co-manage her condition and keep or second trimester and successfully the group informed of high-cost situations. complete the program are eligible to receive The mother will also receive educational a UMR-funded $25 gift card. Members who information and support, as dictated by her wait until their third trimester to enroll are speci昀椀c condition. The CARE nurse manager encouraged to join the program and receive will work to reduce claims costs throughout the the educational o昀昀erings, but are not eligible high-risk pregnancy and post-delivery period. for the program gift card. E昀昀ective incentives Additionally, UMR customers have the option of funding additional rewards To encourage members to enroll early on, directly into their consumer-driven health UMR o昀昀ers an incentive for participation as well reimbursement account (HRA) or health as successful completion of the program. reimbursement account + incentive$ All members who join the Maternity CARE (HRA +) plans. These accounts are an program during their 昀椀rst or second trimester ideal way to provide incentive rewards are eligible to receive a gift of their choice. and create a seamless member experience. For more information about the Maternity CARE program, contact your UMR representative. ©2021 United HealthCare Services, Inc. UM0225 0821 No part of this document may be reproduced without permission.

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