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Coaching Options POLICY EXPERT COACHING FINANCIAL WELLNESS ACADEMIC COACHING COACHING ▪ Helps employees understand what is covered by their ▪ Helps employees identify the ▪ Guides employees to programs program and make sure they best financing options for their that fit their career goals and are on the right track with the education goals outside of their learning format preferences application process education benefit ▪ Coaches have backgrounds in ▪ Provided by Employee Service ▪ Provided by experts with higher education, adult learning policy specialists dedicated to financial aid, loans, and and non-traditional students client-specific portfolios scholarships, backgrounds ▪ Enables quick response to ▪ Impartial advice which supports ▪ Helps employees who are program questions and financial wellness by reducing or uncertain of their education path helps employees get eliminating out of pocket costs and need help navigating a maximum benefit from variety of program options the program

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